Describes the capabilities and limits of the Network Direct adapter.


typedef struct _ND_ADAPTER_INFO {
  UINT32 VendorId;
  UINT32 DeviceId;
  SIZE_T MaxInboundSge;
  SIZE_T MaxInboundRequests;
  SIZE_T MaxInboundLength;
  SIZE_T MaxOutboundSge;
  SIZE_T MaxOutboundRequests;
  SIZE_T MaxOutboundLength;
  SIZE_T MaxInlineData;
  SIZE_T MaxInboundReadLimit;
  SIZE_T MaxOutboundReadLimit;
  SIZE_T MaxCqEntries;
  SIZE_T MaxRegistrationSize;
  SIZE_T MaxWindowSize;
  SIZE_T LargeRequestThreshold;
  SIZE_T MaxCallerData;
  SIZE_T MaxCalleeData;


  • VendorId
    The vendor ID, which is typically the vendor's organizational unique identifier (OUI).

  • DeviceId
    Vendor defined device ID of the adapter.

  • MaxInboundSge
    The maximum number of Scatter/Gather entries that an endpoint supports for Receive requests.

  • MaxInboundRequests
    The maximum number of outstanding Receive requests for an endpoint.

  • MaxInboundLength
    The maximum length, in bytes, that can be referenced by all the Scatter/Gather entries for a Receive request.

  • MaxOutboundSge
    The maximum number of Scatter/Gather entries that an endpoint supports for Send, Read, and Write requests.

  • MaxOutboundRequests
    The maximum number of outstanding Send, SendAndInvalidate, Bind, Invalidate, Read, and Write requests for an endpoint.

  • MaxOutboundLength
    The maximum length, in bytes, that can be referenced by all the Scatter/Gather entries for Send, Read, and Write requests.

  • MaxInlineData
    The maximum length, in bytes, of inline data. Inline data is data that is sent from a buffer that is not registered (the hMr member of ND_SGE is NULL).

  • MaxInboundReadLimit
    The maximum number of in-progress Read operations for an endpoint.

  • MaxOutboundReadLimit
    The maximum number of in-progress Read operations for a remote endpoint.

  • MaxCqEntries
    The maximum number of endpoint operation results that can be queued to a completion queue.

  • MaxRegistrationSize
    The maximum size, in bytes, of an application-defined buffer that you can register using INDAdapter::RegisterMemory. This is the maximum size of a single registration that the adapter can address.

    Note that since each SGE of a request references a memory registration, a single request could transfer more than this limit.

  • MaxWindowSize
    The maximum size, in bytes, of a memory window. (See INDAdapter::CreateMemoryWindow.)

  • LargeRequestThreshold
    The data size, in bytes, above which Read and Write operations will yield better results than Send and Receive operations.

  • MaxCallerData
    The maximum size, in bytes, of the private data that can be sent when calling the INDConnector::Connect method.

  • MaxCalleeData
    The maximum size, in bytes, of the private data that can be sent when calling the INDConnector::Accept or INDConnector::Reject method.


This structure defines the standard parameters of all Network Direct adapters. The INDAdapter::Query method gives Network Direct providers the ability to extend the information returned with vendor-specific members—The vendor-specific members are added to the end of the structure.



Microsoft Message Passing Interface (MS-MPI)



See Also




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Build date: 7/2/2010