Registering Plug-in Properties

You can specify additional information about a plug-in in the Properties subkey of each plug-in in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID key. The following table contains the properties supported by Windows Media Services. You can use the IWMSNamedValues interface to access them.




Contains the name of the plug-in. This is a required key. The maximum length of this key is 250 characters, and the following characters are not valid: & " < > ' ? \.


Contains the name of the plug-in author. This key is not required. All default plug-ins that are installed with Windows Media Services create this key.


Contains copyright information for the plug-in. This key is not required. All default plug-ins that are installed with Windows Media Services create this key.


Contains optional information about the plug-in. This key is not required. All default plug-ins that are installed with Windows Media Services create this key.


Contains the subcategory used by event notification and authorization plug-ins to indicate what node they should appear under in the user interface. It should contain a string indicating either an Authorize, Logging, or Playlist Transform subcategory.


Contains a string value corresponding to the CLSID of an MMC snap-in. This is used by Windows Media Administrator to load the MMC administration snap-in for a plug-in.

For plug-ins that use multiple property pages in their administration interface, you must enter a comma-delimited list of CLSIDs. The CLSIDs must be specified in the tab order in which the pages appear.


Contains a string identifying the physical location of an ASP page. This is used by Windows Media Administrator to load the ASP administration page for a plug-in.


Contains the URL prefix for either a playlist parser plug-in or a data source plug-in. For example the WMS File Data Source plug-in has the following prefix: file://


Contains the URL suffix of either a playlist parser plug-in or a data source plug-in. For example, the WMS SMIL Playlist Parser plug-in identifies both .wsx and.htm to indicate that the server can parse playlist files that use either file name extension.


Contains a CLSID that further identifies the capabilities of selected plug-ins. For example, to indicate that a playlist parser plug-in can be used to create a playlist object from the media files in a directory, you can specify the CLSID that maps to IID_IWMSDirectoryFormat. To indicate that a playlist parser plug-in can only parse a document that contains SMIL 2.0 syntax, you can specify the CLSID that maps to IID_IWMSPlaylistSmilFormat.


Contains a value that identifies unsupported methods for loading authentication or event notification and authorization plug-ins. This can be one of the following values:

0 - The plug-in supports in-process and out-of-process loading.

1 - The plug-in does not support in-process loading.

2 - The plug-in does not support out-of-process loading.


Identifies a system plug-in. If this value is 1, the plug-in is a system plug-in and cannot be removed.


Identifies a critical system plug-in. If this value is 1, the plug-in provides critical functionality to the server and must not be disabled. This property is optional for custom plug-ins.

The following example illustrates how to use a registry file to specify attribute information:

NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {0B2A7C4B-AEFE-4503-952F-219240E707D7} = s 'SamplePlugin Class'
      ForceRemove Properties
         val Name = s 'My Sample Plug-in Name'
         val Author = s 'My Corporation'
         val Copyright = s 'My Corporation 2000'
         val SubCategory = s 'Authorize'
         val MMCMoniker = s 'CLSID:{7d44efad-bee9-468b-
         val ASPMoniker = s 'SampleAdmin.asp'

See Also


IWMSNamedValues Interface

IWMSNamedValues Object (C#)

IWMSNamedValues Object (Visual Basic .NET)


Registering Plug-ins