IXMLParseError Error Messages


The following error messages are obtained from the IXMLDOMParseError object's errorCode property, which is specifically for parse errors.

Error code Error string Description
0xC00CE501 MSG_E_MISSINGEQUALS Missing equals sign between attribute and attribute value
0xC00CE502 MSG_E_MISSINGQUOTE A string literal was expected, but no opening quote character was found
0xC00CE503 MSG_E_COMMENTSYNTAX Incorrect syntax was used in a comment
0xC00CE504 MSG_E_BADSTARTNAMECHAR A name was started with an invalid character
0xC00CE505 MSG_E_BADNAMECHAR A name contained an invalid character
0xC00CE506 MSG_E_BADCHARINSTRING The character '<' cannot be used in an attribute value
0xC00CE507 MSG_E_XMLDECLSYNTAX Invalid syntax for an xml declaration
0xC00CE508 MSG_E_BADCHARDATA An invalid character was found in text content
0xC00CE509 MSG_E_MISSINGWHITESPACE Required white space was missing
0xC00CE50A MSG_E_EXPECTINGTAGEND The character '>' was expected
0xC00CE50B MSG_E_BADCHARINDTD Invalid character found in DTD
0xC00CE50C MSG_E_BADCHARINDECL An invalid character was found inside a DTD declaration
0xC00CE50D MSG_E_MISSINGSEMICOLON A semi colon character was expected
0xC00CE50E MSG_E_BADCHARINENTREF An invalid character was found inside an entity reference
0xC00CE50F MSG_E_UNBALANCEDPAREN Unbalanced parentheses
0xC00CE510 MSG_E_EXPECTINGOPENBRACKET An opening '[' character was expected
0xC00CE511 MSG_E_BADENDCONDSECT Invalid syntax in a conditional or a CDATA section
0xC00CE512 MSG_E_INTERNALERROR Internal error
0xC00CE513 MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_WHITESPACE Whitespace is not allowed at this location
0xC00CE514 MSG_E_INCOMPLETE_ENCODING End of file reached in invalid state for current encoding
0xC00CE515 MSG_E_BADCHARINMIXEDMODEL Mixed content model cannot contain this character
0xC00CE516 MSG_E_MISSING_STAR Mixed content model must be defined as zero or more('*')
0xC00CE517 MSG_E_BADCHARINMODEL Invalid character in content model
0xC00CE518 MSG_E_MISSING_PAREN Missing parenthesis
0xC00CE519 MSG_E_BADCHARINENUMERATION Invalid character found in ATTLIST enumeration
0xC00CE51A MSG_E_PIDECLSYNTAX Invalid syntax in PI declaration
0xC00CE51B MSG_E_EXPECTINGCLOSEQUOTE A single or double closing quote character (\' or \") is missing
0xC00CE51C MSG_E_MULTIPLE_COLONS Multiple colons are not allowed in a name
0xC00CE51D MSG_E_INVALID_DECIMAL Invalid character for decimal digit
0xC00CE51E MSG_E_INVALID_HEXIDECIMAL Invalid character for hexidecimal digit
0xC00CE51F MSG_E_INVALID_UNICODE Invalid unicode character
0xC00CE520 MSG_E_WHITESPACEORQUESTIONMARK Expecting whitespace or '?'
0xC00CE521 MSG_E_CM_TOO_COMPLEX Content model is too complex;
0xC00CE550 MSG_E_SUSPENDED The parser is suspended
0xC00CE551 MSG_E_STOPPED The parser is stopped
0xC00CE552 MSG_E_UNEXPECTEDENDTAG End tag was not expected at this location
0xC00CE553 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDTAG The following tags were not closed: %1
0xC00CE554 MSG_E_DUPLICATEATTRIBUTE Duplicate attribute
0xC00CE555 MSG_E_MULTIPLEROOTS Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document
0xC00CE556 MSG_E_INVALIDATROOTLEVEL Invalid at the top level of the document
0xC00CE557 MSG_E_BADXMLDECL Invalid xml declaration
0xC00CE558 MSG_E_MISSINGROOT XML document must have a top level element
0xC00CE559 MSG_E_UNEXPECTEDEOF Unexpected end of file
0xC00CE55A MSG_E_BADPEREFINSUBSET Parameter entities cannot be used inside markup declarations in an internal subset
0xC00CE55B MSG_E_PE_NESTING The replacement text for a parameter entity must be properly nested with parenthesized groups
0xC00CE55C MSG_E_INVALID_CDATACLOSINGTAG The literal string ']]>' is not allowed in element content
0xC00CE55D MSG_E_UNCLOSEDPI Processing instruction was not closed
0xC00CE55E MSG_E_UNCLOSEDSTARTTAG Element was not closed
0xC00CE55F MSG_E_UNCLOSEDENDTAG End element was missing the character '>'
0xC00CE560 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDSTRING A string literal was not closed
0xC00CE561 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDCOMMENT A comment was not closed
0xC00CE562 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDDECL A declaration was not closed
0xC00CE563 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDMARKUPDECL A markup declaration was not closed
0xC00CE564 MSG_E_UNCLOSEDCDATA A CDATA section was not closed
0xC00CE565 MSG_E_BADDECLNAME Declaration has an invalid name
0xC00CE566 MSG_E_BADEXTERNALID External ID is invalid
0xC00CE567 MSG_E_BADELEMENTINDTD An XML element is not allowed inside a DTD
0xC00CE568 MSG_E_RESERVEDNAMESPACE Prefixes 'xml' and 'xmlns' are reserved for use by XML
0xC00CE569 MSG_E_EXPECTING_VERSION The 'version' attribute is required at this location
0xC00CE56A MSG_E_EXPECTING_ENCODING The 'encoding' attribute is required at this location
0xC00CE56B MSG_E_EXPECTING_NAME At least one name is required at this location
0xC00CE56C MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_ATTRIBUTE The specified attribute was not expected at this location. The attribute may be case sensitive
0xC00CE56D MSG_E_ENDTAGMISMATCH End tag '%2' does not match the start tag '%1'
0xC00CE56E MSG_E_INVALIDENCODING System does not support the specified encoding
0xC00CE56F MSG_E_INVALIDSWITCH Switch from current encoding to specified encoding not supported
0xC00CE570 MSG_E_EXPECTING_NDATA NDATA keyword is missing
0xC00CE571 MSG_E_INVALID_MODEL Content model is invalid
0xC00CE572 MSG_E_INVALID_TYPE Invalid type defined in ATTLIST
0xC00CE573 MSG_E_INVALIDXMLSPACE The xml:space attribute has a non-legal value The only legal values are 'default' and 'preserve'
0xC00CE574 MSG_E_MULTI_ATTR_VALUE Multiple names found in attribute value when only one was expected
0xC00CE576 MSG_E_BADXMLCASE The name 'xml' is reserved and must be lower case
0xC00CE577 MSG_E_CONDSECTINSUBSET Conditional sections are not allowed in an internal subset
0xC00CE578 MSG_E_CDATAINVALID CDATA is not allowed in a DTD
0xC00CE579 MSG_E_INVALID_STANDALONE The standalone attribute must have the value 'yes' or 'no'
0xC00CE57A MSG_E_UNEXPECTED_STANDALONE The standalone attribute cannot be used in external entities
0xC00CE57B MSG_E_DOCTYPE_IN_DTD Cannot have a DOCTYPE declaration in a DTD
0xC00CE57C MSG_E_MISSING_ENTITY Reference to undefined entity
0xC00CE57D MSG_E_ENTITYREF_INNAME Entity reference is resolved to an invalid name character
0xC00CE57E MSG_E_DOCTYPE_OUTSIDE_PROLOG Cannot have a DOCTYPE declaration outside of a prolog
0xC00CE57F MSG_E_INVALID_VERSION Invalid version number
0xC00CE580 MSG_E_DTDELEMENT_OUTSIDE_DTD Cannot have a DTD declaration outside of a DTD
0xC00CE581 MSG_E_DUPLICATEDOCTYPE Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations
0xC00CE582 MSG_E_RESOURCE Error processing resource '%1'
0xC00CE583 MSG_E_MISSINGNAME A name is required at this location
0xC00CE584 MSG_E_DTD_PROHIBITED DTD is prohibited
0xC00CE5FF MSG_E_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED Operation aborted: %1 constraint violated