
The put_AllowedAuth method specifies the allowed authentication methods for the profile. When the server issues a challenge to a request from the client (using this profile), this method specifies the authentication protocols that are allowed for a response to that challenge.

HRESULT put_AllowedAuth(longlAllowedAuth);


  • lAllowedAuth
    [in] Integer value containing the permitted authentication methods, as any combination of the RTCAU_ flags.

Return Values

RTC methods may return an RTC_E_ constant.

Value Meaning
RTC_E_UDP_NOT_SUPPORTED The authentication specified in the lAllowedAuth parameter contains either NTLM, Kerberos, or USE_LOGON_CRED, which are not supported if any of the servers in the profile has specified the UDP transport.
RTC_E_INVALID_PROFILE The profile is not valid.
RTC_E_INVALID_REGISTRATION_STATE The profile is registered such that the allowed authentication schemes cannot be changed. The profile must not be in one of the following three states: RTCRS_REGISTERED, RTCRS_UNREGISTERING, or RTCRS_REGISTERING.
RTC_E_BASIC_AUTH_SET_TLS The transport must be set to TLS if basic authentication is allowed.
E_INVALIDARG The lAllowedAuth parameter is not in the valid range, or the flags contain the RTCAU_USE_LOGON_CRED flag and none of the Authenticaion methods is enabled.


The following list provides the transport types that are allowed for each of the supported authentication methods:

  • Basic—Requires the TLS transport. This authentication method will be rejected if TLS is not specified in the profile.

  • Digest—Supported over the TCP, TLS, or UDP transport.

  • Kerberos—Supported over the TCP or TLS transport. This authentication method will be rejected if UDP is specified as the transport in the profile.

    **Windows Me/98:  **This authentication method is not supported.

  • NTLM—Supported over the TCP or TLS transport. This authentication method will be rejected if UDP is specified as the transport in the profile.

    **Windows Me/98:  **This authentication method is not supported.

  • USE_LOGON_CRED—Supported over the TCP or TLS transport. This authentication method will be rejected if UDP is specified as the transport in the profile. This authentication method requires that at least one of the other authentication methods be present in the profile; otherwise, E_INVALIDARG is returned.

    **Windows Me/98:  **This authentication method is not supported.


Redistributable: Requires Rtcdll.dll on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
Header: Declared in Rtccore.h.
Library: Included as a resource in Rtcdll.dll.
GUID: IID_IRTCProfile2 is defined as 4B81F84E-BDC7-4184-9154-3CB2DD7917FB.

See Also

IRTCProfile2, IRTCProfile, Security, Buddy Group Events