Choice Class

Defines a list of exclusive options that the application can work with. The application can use an index or access options by advancing through them in either direction.

  public class Choice : ModelItem, IValueRange, IModelItem, IPropertyObject, IModelItemOwner

Public Instance Constructors

Constructor Description


Initializes a new instance of the Choice class.
Choice(IModelItemOwner, string) Initializes a new instance of the Choice class.
Choice(IModelItemOwner, string, IList) Initializes a new instance of the Choice class.

Public Instance Methods

Method Description
DefaultValue Changes the selected option to the default item.
NextValue Changes the selected option to the next one in the Options list.
PreviousValue Changes the selected option to the previous one in the Options list.

Protected Instance Methods

Method Description
GetIndexOfOption Gets the index of the selected option in the Options array.
OnChosenChanged Notifies derived classes when the selected option has changed.
ValidateOptionList Verifies that the given Options list is acceptable for this Choice object.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
Chosen Gets or sets the object that is selected from the Options list.
ChosenIndex Gets or sets the index of the object that is selected from the Options list.
Default Gets or sets the default object within the Options list.
DefaultIndex Gets or sets the index of the default object within the Options list.
HasNextValue Determines whether a call to the NextValue method will succeed.
HasPreviousValue Determines whether a call to the PreviousValue method will succeed.
Options Gets or sets the list of Options.
Wrap Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the list should wrap when the PreviousValue or NextValue methods are called at the beginning or end of the list.

Public Instance Events

Event Description
ChosenChanged Raised when the chosen item has changed.


Only one item can be chosen at a time. A typical user interface element for this object is a radio group or a spinner control.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.dll

Platform: Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Premium, and later

See Also