Ws.Services.Binding Namespace

Contains types for binding to the Web services channel.


Name Description
Public Class Binding A collection of binding elements that define the communication mechanism between two peers.
Public Class BindingContext Specifies the context associated with a binding.
Public Class BindingElement Defines the methods for handling a message in a chain of responsibility from one BindingElement to the next.
Public Class BindingProperty Defines a property associated with a binding.
Public Class ClientBindingContext Defines the binding context for a client.
Public Class CommunicationObject Provides the default implementation of the ICommunicationObject interface.
Public Class CustomBinding Defines a custom binding.
Public Class HttpTransportBindingConfig Abstracts the configuration for the HTTP transport.
Public Class HttpTransportBindingElement Abstracts the binding element for the HTTP transport.
Public Class MessageEncodingBindingElement Handles the processing chain for message encoding.
Public Class ReplyChannel Specifies the channel to send a reply through.
Public Class RequestChannel An implementation of the IRequestChannel interface, which lets you send Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) request messages to a remote endpoint.
Public Class RequestContext Contains information about the endpoint and binding context for a given incoming request. This data is used when the message is processed, and enables asynchronous behavior of message processing.
Public Class ServerBindingContext Defines the binding context for a server.
Public Class TransportBindingElement Handles the processing chain for a transport.
Public Class UdpTransportBindingConfig Abstracts the configuration for the UDP transport.
Public Class UdpTransportBindingElement Abstracts the binding element for the UDP transport.
Public Class WS2007HttpBinding Provides a collection of binding elements that define the communication between two peers by using this binding object.


Name Description
Public Interface ICommunicationObject Defines a set of time-out properties that are applied to the message context of the implementing class.
Public Interface IReplyChannel Defines the interface for handling replies.
Public Interface IRequestChannel Defines the properties and methods for a Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) request.


Name Description
Public Enumeration BindingElement.ChainResult Result of message context handling with a BindingElement.