View Routing Table Dialog Box

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

Use the View Routing Table dialog box to see which host names and servers are affinitized. When you enter a host name, Application Request Routing (ARR) returns zero or more servers that are affinitized to the host name. When you enter a server address, ARR returns zero or more host names that are affinitized to the server.

UI Elements

Element Name Description

Host Name

Displays the host name.

Server Address

Displays the server address.


Invalidates the affinitization for the selected host name or server address. The host name affinity provider is used again to determine the most appropriate server based on the provider.

Lookup by host name

Returns a list of affinitized servers for a given host name.

Lookup by server address

Returns a list of affinitized host names for a given server address.


Closes the dialog box.

See Also


Server Affinity Page