feed Element

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista

The feed element defines the XML file as an Atom feed.

Schema Hierarchy

resourcesList Element


<feed xmlns="https://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"> ... </feed>

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description


Defines the XML namespace associated with the Atom feed.

Child Elements

Element Description


The webpiFile element defines the XML file as a document for the Microsoft Web Platform Installer (Web PI). The value of the version attribute defines the version of the XML file.


An Atom feed element.

Contains text that is displayed as the title of the Atom feed page.


An Atom feed element.

Defines a URL to the XML file associated with the feed. The link element has the following attributes:

  • The rel attribute defines the relationship to the parent document. When the value is "enclosure" the referenced feed is loaded with the current one.

  • The href attribute specifies the path of the XML file.


An Atom feed element.

Specifies the date and time, in the format yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z', at which the feed was last updated.


An Atom feed element.

Contains a child name element that defines the author of the feed. The author is displayed in the feed properties.

The author element can also occur as a child of an entry element.


An Atom feed element.

The ID associated with the feed.


Contains child elements that define the set of languages into which the strings in this feed have been localized, and the path of the files that contain the localized strings.


Contains one or more child language elements that define the languages in which installer files are offered. The list of languages is displayed in the Preferences dialog of the Web PI interface.

The languages defined in the first loaded XML file take precedence over subsequently loaded feeds.


Contains multiple child elements that define an application displayed in the Web PI interface.


Indicates that there is a new version of the Web PI binary files available.


Contains child elements that define the category tabs displayed in the Web PI interface.


Contains child grouping elements that define how products are grouped together in the tabs displayed in the Web PI interface.


Contains child feed elements that define the selections displayed in the Display additional scenarios section of the Change Preferences page of the Web PI interface.


Contains child keyword elements that define keywords associated with the feed.

The keywords element can also be a child element of the entry element.


Used for defining the Featured products displayed in the Web Application gallery.


Specifies the URL for the XML feed associated with the scenarios displayed on the Change Preferences page of the Web PI interface.


Specifies the name of the feed associated with the scenarios displayed on the Change Preferences page of the Web PI interface.


Specifies the description of the feed associated with the scenarios displayed on the Change Preferences page of the Web PI interface.


Contains a list of child os elements. When as os element is a child of the oses element, it must include an id attribute.

When the os element is a child of the entry element, the id attribute is not used.


Contains child osList elements. When an osLists element is a child element of the feed element, the child osList element must include an id attribute.

The id attribute is not required when the osLists element is a child of an entry element.


Contains a list of child dependency elements. If the dependency element is a child element of a dependencies element must include an id attribute.


Contains one or more child url elements. The Web PI will not load feeds from URLs listed in the child url elements.

Parent Elements

Element Description


The root element.