Advanced Settings Dialog Box (Import)

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

Use the Advanced Settings dialog box of the Import Application Package Wizard to specify settings for your package.

UI Elements

Advanced Options

Element Name Description

Decrypt Password

Opens the Decrypt Password dialog box that lets you type the password that is required to decrypt the package contents.

During an import operation, Web Deploy automatically detects whether an encrypted object, such as an application pool with a custom identity, is present in the package's server-level configuration files (for example, ApplicationHost.config or Machine.config). If an encrypted object is present, you must provide a password for the object. If you do not specify the correct password, the import operation will fail.

Include ACls

Select True if ACLs of the path that you specify will be copied from the source to the destination; otherwise, select False. This setting applies to the file system, registry, and metabase, and only to these providers: appHostConfig, contentPath, iisApp, metaKey, webServer, and webServer60. The default is False.

Link Extension

Click the field on the right and then click the arrow to show the drop-down list of link extensions. Select or clear the extensions in the list to enable or disable the link extensions that you want to apply to the operation. Link extensions include or exclude specific kinds of data in an operation.

From the drop-down list, select or clear Application Pool Configuration (AppPoolExtension), SSL Certificate (CertificateExtension), Content (ContentExtension), .Net Framework Configuration (FrameworkConfigExtension), and HTTP Certificate Configuration (HttpCertConfigExtension). All of these extensions except Application Pool Configuration are selected by default. For more information about link extensions, see Web Deploy Link Extensions.

Retry Attempts

Type the number of times the provider will retry after a failure. The default number of retries is 5. By default, there is a delay of one second between each retry. The retry attempts setting can only be used with the contentPath provider.

Retry Interval

Type a value in milliseconds. The value will specify the time interval between provider retry attempts. The default is 1000 (one second). This setting can only be used with the contentPath provider.

Trace Level

Select a value from the drop-down list that specifies the level of detail in error message logs. Possible values are Off, Error, Warning, Info, and Verbose. The default is Info. Off means that no error messages will be logged. Verbose means that all messages will be logged.

Synchronization Options

Element Name Description


Opens the Enable or Disable Rules dialog box that lets you specify rules for the operation. For more information, see Enable or Disable Rules Dialog Box.


Click the drop-down list to select True or False. True specifies that the operation will be run without actually making any changes. You can use this setting to see the results of an operation if all parts of the operation succeed. The default value is False.

A command that appears to have run successfully with the WhatIf setting may fail when the command is run without using the WhatIf setting. This can happen if unexpected errors occur during the operation. For example, because no data is written during a WhatIf operation, write permission errors will not be detected. The WhatIf setting shows only what will happen if all operations in the command succeed.

See Also


Select the Contents of the Package Page
Import Application Package and Import Server or Site Package Wizard Pages