Record View

The record view contains the following controls:

  • Recording Controls
  • Recording Meter

Figure 1.  Record view

Recording Controls

These controls let you start and stop the recording of streams.

Control Function Description
Start recording. Starts the recording of all selected streams.
Stop recording. Stops the recording of all streams.


Recording is disabled when one or more pre-conditions - such as inter-stream dependencies - are not satisfied.

Recording Meter

When recording, the recording meter appears below the record controls. The meter tracks the available amount of memory buffer throughout the recording and lists the file name, file size and recording time. The buffer size is configurable under the Kinect Studio Settings.


The file size listed as part of the recording meter is the count of bytes written to disk (excluding any buffered data). If the sensor is unplugged while recording, there is no data to capture, and you will see the recording time increase but the file size remains unchanged.