KSUtil - The Kinect Studio Utility Tool

The Kinect Studio Utility Tool (ksutil.exe) is a simple UI tool that can be used to quickly view and compare the contents of eXtended Raw Files (XRF) and eXtended Event Files (XEF). This tool offers multiple command-line options. Uses for this tool include:

  • Viewing stream and metadata information for raw (XRF) and processed (XEF) files
  • Comparing stream and metadata information between two files
  • Adding, removing, or editing metadata within a file
  • Recording and/or playing back eXtended files (XRF or XEF)

User Interface

Button Description
View File Displays stream and metadata content for an eXtended (.xef or .xrf) file.
Compare Files Provides side-by-side comparison of two eXtended (.xef or .xrf) files.
Close File Closes the current view/comparison data.
Exit Exits the application.


Run the utility tool from the command line using the following syntax.

KSUtil.exe [options]

Command Line Options

KSUtil.exe supports the following command line options.

Button Description
/? Display usage information.
/view Display the contents of an eXtended (.xef or .xrf) file.
/compare Compare metadata and stream content across two eXtended files.
/update Add/edit metadata in an eXtended file.
/remove Remove metadata from an eXtended file.
/play Playback an eXtended file to the default Kinect service.
/record Record an eXtended file for a specified duration.

Optional command.

Use with /view, /compare, or /record to output the results to a .txt file.


Optional command.

Use with /play to repeat playback n times before stopping.


Optional command.

Use with /update or /remove to modify metadata marked as ‘personally identifiable information’ in the eXtended file.


Optional command.

Use with /update or /remove to alter stream-level metadata.

Use with –play or –record to specify which streams to play/record.

Supported streams include: depth, ir, body, bodyindex, color, rawir

Usage Examples

  • View <filePath>

    -view c:\temp\myClip.xef
    -view c:\temp\myRawClip.xrf
    -view c:\temp\myClip.xef –log c:\temp\myClip.txt
  • Compare <filePath1> <filePath2>

    -compare c:\temp\myClip.xef c:\temp\myRawClip.xrf
    -compare c:\temp\myClip.xef c:\temp\myClip2.xef –log c:\temp\myClipCompare.txt
  • Update <filePath> <metadataKey> <metadataValue>

    -update c:\temp\myClip.xef newMetadataKey newMetadataValue
    -update c:\temp\myClip.xef newKey newValue –pii
    -update c:\temp\myClip.xef newKey newValue –stream depth ir body
    -update c:\temp\myRawClip.xrf newKey newVlaue –pii –stream rawir
  • Remove <filePath> <metadataKey>

    -remove c:\temp\myClip.xef metadataKey
    -remove c:\temp\myClip.xef metadataKey –pii
    -remove c:\temp\myClip.xef metadataKey –stream depth ir
    -remove c:\temp\myRawClip.xrf metadataKey –pii –stream rawir
  • Play <filePath>

    -play c:\temp\myClip.xef
    -play c:\temp\myRawClip.xrf –loop 3
    -play c:\temp\myClip.xef –stream depth ir color
    -play c:\temp\myClip.xef –loop 2 –stream depth ir body
  • Record <filePath> <duration>

    -record c:\temp\newClip.xef 30
    -record c:\temp\newRawClip.xrf 10
    -record c:\temp\newClip.xef 10 –stream depth ir body
    -record c:\temp\newRawClip.xrf 20 –stream rawir color

See also

Visual Gesture Builder user interface