azureml-interpret Package



Contains functionality for working with model interpretability in Azure Machine Learning.

You can use model interpretability to explain why a model makes the predictions it does and help build confidence in the model. With this package you can get feature and class importance for blackbox and whitebox models, on both raw and engineered features. For more information, see the article Model interpretability in Azure Machine Learning.

This package uses the interpretability techniques developed in the Interpret Community SDK, an open source Python package for training interpretable models and helping to explain blackbox systems, with additional interpretability techniques and utility functions to handle real-world datasets and workflows. The Interpret Community SDK hosts the Azure Machine Learning SDK supported explainers such as SHAP explainers, Mimic Explainer, Tabular Explainer, and others.

The key class in this package is the MimicWrapper class, which provides a wrapper to reduce the number of function calls needed to work with the interpret model package.



Defines custom exceptions produced by azureml-interpret.


Defines helpful utilities for summarizing and uploading data.


Defines a structure for gathering and storing the parts of an explanation asset.


Defines functionality to wrap machine learning interpretability into a single API.


Defines serialization API for models interfacing with interpretability SDK.