ApplyIfC operation


This documentation refers to the Classic QDK, which has been replaced by the Modern QDK.

Please see for the API documentation for the Modern QDK.

Namespace: Microsoft.Quantum.Canon

Package: Microsoft.Quantum.Standard

Applies a controllable operation conditioned on a classical bit.

operation ApplyIfC<'T> (bit : Bool, op : ('T => Unit is Ctl), target : 'T) : Unit is Ctl


Given a bit value bit and an operation op, applies op to the target if bit is true. If false, nothing happens to the target. The suffix C indicates that the operation to be applied is controllable.


bit : Bool

a boolean that controls whether op is applied or not.

op : 'T => Unit is Ctl

An operation to be conditionally applied.

target : 'T

The input to which the operation is applied.

Output : Unit

Type Parameters


The input type of the operation to be conditionally applied.


The following prepares a register of qubits into a computational basis state represented by a classical bit string given as an array of Bool values:

let bitstring = [true, false, true];
using (register = Qubit(3)) {
    ApplyToEach(ApplyIf(_, X, _), Zipped(bitstring, register));
    // register should now be in the state |101⟩.

See Also