Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers - Usage Details


On May 1st, 2024, Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs will be retired. Any remaining Enterprise Reporting APIs will stop responding to requests. Customers need to transition to using Microsoft Cost Management APIs before then. To learn more, see Migrate from Azure Enterprise Reporting to Microsoft Cost Management APIs overview.

This API only supports usage records with up to 400 tag characters for a given resource. The API might fail if you have records exceeding the maximum number of tags. If you experience this problem, migrate to Exports or the Exports API.

The Usage Detail API offers a daily breakdown of consumed quantities and estimated charges by an Enrollment. The result also includes information on instances, meters, and departments. The API can be queried by Billing period or by a specified start and end date.

Common header properties that need to be added are specified in the Overview of Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers article. Custom time ranges can be specified with the start and end date parameters that are in the format yyyy-MM-dd.

CSV Format

The API listed below provides data in CSV format.

Synchronous call (non-polling)

We return data in CSV format as a response of the REST API call. The API performance is dependent on the amount of usage data returned by your call and can take a maximum of 60 minutes. Even though the API supports custom date ranges we recommend that you restrict it based on the volume of usage data you have for that period. We allow maximum of one month support.

Method Download Request URI

Asynchronous call (polling based)

The call is a two-step process that requires you to submit your request first for a specific time range and then poll to get a shared access key based URL for an Azure Blob location that has CSV data. The maximum supported time rang here is 36 months. We recommend this API for larger datasets.

Method Submit Request URI

Response of Asynchronous (polling) submit call

        "id": "string",
Asynchronous call Response property definitions
Property Name Type Description
id string The unique ID for the request.
enrollmentNumber string The Enrollment number the request was made for.
requestedOn string The date time that request was made on.
status int Indicates the status of the request. Queued = 1, InProgress = 2, Completed = 3, Failed = 4, NoDataFound = 5, ReadyToDownload=6, TimedOut = 7.
blobPath string The shared access key URL to the csv blob.
reportUrl string The URL that can be used to poll for the status of submit request.
startDate string Corresponds to the beginning of the time range used while making the submit call.
endDate string Corresponds to the end of the time range used while making the submit call.

The reportUrl is the URL that can be used for further polling calls (GET operation). When the status field in the response of polling request comes back as 3, the request is completed. We have the blobPath field in the response populated with a URL pointing to the csv data. The blob is available for 1 day from the date time in requestedOn field of response. Status 4, 5 and 7 are failure status where the API call has hit an error condition. For all other status, the polling call should be repeated.

JSON Format

The API listed below provide data in JSON format. If a billing period is not specified, then data for the current billing period is returned. The maximum supported time range is 36 months.

Method Request URI


To use the previous version of the API, replace v3 with v2 in the URLs above. Some fields aren't available if you use v2.


Due to the potentially large volume of data, the result set is paged. The nextLink property, if present, specifies the link for the next page of data. If the link is empty, it denotes that is the last page.

        "id": "string",
        "data": [
                "serviceTier":"Premium Page Blobs",
                "location":"US West",
                "accountName":"Account Name",
                "subscriptionName":"Subscription Name",
                "product":"Locally Redundant Storage Premium Storage - Page Blob/P10 - US West",
                "meterSubCategory":"Locally Redundant",
                "meterName":"Premium Storage - Page Blob/P10 (Units)",
                "departmentName":"Department Name",
        "nextLink": "string"

Usage details field definitions

Property Name Type Description
id string The unique Id for the API call.
data JSON array The Array of daily usage details for every instance\meter.
nextLink string When there are more pages of data the nextLink points to the URL to return the next page of data.
accountId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
productId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
resourceLocationId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
consumedServiceId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
departmentId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
accountOwnerEmail string Email account of the account owner.
accountName string Customer entered name of the account.
serviceAdministratorId string Email Address of Service Administrator.
subscriptionId int Obsolete field. Present for backward compatibility.
subscriptionGuid string Global Unique Identifier for the subscription.
subscriptionName string Name of the subscription.
date string The date on which consumption occurred.
product string Additional details on the meter.
meterId string The identifier for the meter which emitted usage.
meterCategory string The Azure platform service that was used.
meterSubCategory string Defines the Azure service type that can affect the rate.
meterRegion string Identifies the location of the datacenter for certain services that are priced based on datacenter location.
meterName string Name of the meter.
consumedQuantity double The amount of the meter that has been consumed.
resourceRate double The rate applicable per billable unit.
cost double The charge that has been incurred for the meter.
resourceLocation string Identifies the datacenter where the meter is running.
consumedService string The Azure platform service that was used.
instanceId string This identifier is the name of the resource or the fully qualified Resource ID. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager API
serviceInfo1 string Internal Azure Service Metadata.
serviceInfo2 string For example, an image type for a virtual machine and ISP name for ExpressRoute.
additionalInfo string Service-specific metadata. For example, an image type for a virtual machine.
tags string Customer added tags. For more information, see Organize your Azure resources with tags.
storeServiceIdentifier string This column is not used. Present for backward compatibility.
departmentName string Name of the department.
costCenter string The cost center that the usage is associated with.
unitOfMeasure string Identifies the unit that the service is charged in. Example: GB, hours, 10,000 s.
resourceGroup string The resource group in which the deployed meter is running in. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.
chargesBilledSeparately string Charges billed outside of Monetary Commitment.
location string Location where the service was deployed.
offerId string OfferId against the service.
partNumber string SKU Number for the service.
resourceGuid string The identifier for the meter which emitted usage.
serviceTier string Service Tier.
serviceName string Service Name.

Rate Limiting

To enable consistent experiences across our customers, all Usage APIs are rate limited at an enrollment level. When you reach the limit, you receive the HTTP status code 429 Too many requests. The current throughput in a 15 minute interval is as below:

API Rate Limit
NextPage 1000
Download 50
Poll 180
Submit 20

See also