Get a Collection

Performing a GET on a specific collection resource retrieves the properties for the collection.


These API reference articles shows how to create resources using the Azure Cosmos DB data plane API. With the data plane API you can configure basic options such as indexing policy, partition keys much like you can with Cosmos DB SDKs. If you require complete feature support for all Azure Cosmos DB resources, we recommend using the Cosmos DB Resource Provider.


Method Request URI Description
GET https://{databaseaccount}{db-id}/colls/{coll-id} The {databaseaccount} is the name of the Azure Cosmos DB account created under your subscription. The {db-id} value is the user generated name/ID of the database, not the system generated ID (rid). The {coll-id} value is the name of the collection.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST request headers for headers that are used by all Cosmos DB requests.




Get Collection returns the body of the collection as persisted in Cosmos DB along with response headers that report the quota and usage of the collection.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST response headers for headers that are returned by all Cosmos DB responses.

Status codes

The following table lists common status codes returned by this operation. For a full list of status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 Ok The operation was successful.
404 Not Found The collection is no longer a resource, that is, the collection was deleted.


Property Description
id It is the unique name that identifies the new collection.
_rid It is a system generated property. The resource ID (_rid) is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement and navigation of the permission resource.
_ts It is a system generated property. It specifies the last updated timestamp of the resource. The value is a timestamp.
_self It is a system generated property. It is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
_etag It is a system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.
_doc It is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the documents resource.
_sprocs It is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the stored procedures (sprocs) resource.
_triggers It is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the triggers resource.
_udfs It is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the user-defined functions (udfs) resource.
_conflicts It is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the conflicts resource. During an operation on a resource within a collection, if a conflict occurs, users can inspect the conflicting resources by performing a GET on the conflicts URI path.
indexingPolicy It is the indexing policy settings for collection.

Properties under Indexing Policy

Property Description
automatic Indicates whether automatic indexing is on or off. The default value is True, thus all documents are indexed. Setting the value to False would allow manual configuration of indexing paths.
indexingMode By default, the indexing mode is Consistent. This means that indexing occurs synchronously during insertion, replacement, or deletion of documents. To have indexing occur asynchronously, set the indexing mode to lazy.
includedPaths The array containing document paths to be indexed. By default, two paths are included: the / path which specifies that all document paths be indexed, and the _ts path, which indexes for a timestamp range comparison.

Within element in the array.

Properties under Included Path

Property Description
path Path for which the indexing behavior applies to. Index paths start with the root (/) and typically end with the question mark (?) wildcard operator, denoting that there are multiple possible values for the prefix. For example, to serve SELECT * FROM Families F WHERE F.familyName = "Andersen", you must include an index path for /familyName/? in the collection’s index policy.

Index paths can also use the * wildcard operator to specify the behavior for paths recursively under the prefix. For example, /payload/* can be used to exclude everything under the payload property from indexing.
dataType It is the datatype for which the indexing behavior is applied to. Can be String, Number, Point, Polygon, or LineString. Booleans and nulls are automatically indexed
kind The type of index. Hash indexes are useful for equality comparisons while Range indexes are useful for equality, range comparisons and sorting. Spatial indexes are useful for spatial queries.
precision The precision of the index. Can be either set to -1 for maximum precision or between 1-8 for Number, and 1-100 for String. Not applicable for Point, Polygon, and LineString data types.

Properties under Partition Key

Property Description
paths An array of paths using which data within the collection can be partitioned. Paths must not contain a wildcard or a trailing slash. For example, the JSON property “AccountNumber” is specified as “/AccountNumber”. The array must contain only a single value.
kind The algorithm used for partitioning. Only Hash is supported.
  "id": "testcoll",  
  "indexingPolicy": {  
    "indexingMode": "consistent",  
    "automatic": true,  
    "includedPaths": [  
        "path": "/*",  
        "indexes": [  
            "kind": "Range",  
            "dataType": "String",  
            "precision": -1  
            "kind": "Range",  
            "dataType": "Number",  
            "precision": -1  
    "excludedPaths": []  
  "partitionKey": {  
    "paths": [  
    "kind": "Hash"  
  "_rid": "1tAvAP4XWww=",  
  "_ts": 1459198933,  
  "_self": "dbs/1tAvAA==/colls/1tAvAP4XWww=/",  
  "_etag": "\"00005600-0000-0000-0000-56f99bd50000\"",  
  "_docs": "docs/",  
  "_sprocs": "sprocs/",  
  "_triggers": "triggers/",  
  "_udfs": "udfs/",  
  "_conflicts": "conflicts/"  


GET HTTP/1.1  
x-ms-offer-throughput: 1000  
x-ms-date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:02:12 GMT  
authorization: type%3dmaster%26ver%3d1.0%26sig%3dP8r7%2fEZnOxv2wQr2smp4G1tCH9PkOkIZscHqsqdn6y4%3d  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
User-Agent: Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client/  
x-ms-version: 2015-12-16  
Accept: application/json  
Content-Length: 235  
Expect: 100-continue  
HTTP/1.1 201 Created  
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache  
Pragma: no-cache  
Transfer-Encoding: chunked  
Content-Type: application/json  
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0  
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000  
x-ms-last-state-change-utc: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 20:10:13.601 GMT  
etag: "00005600-0000-0000-0000-56f99bd50000"  
collection-partition-index: 0  
collection-service-index: 24  
x-ms-schemaversion: 1.1  
x-ms-alt-content-path: dbs/testdb  
x-ms-quorum-acked-lsn: 6  
x-ms-current-write-quorum: 3  
x-ms-current-replica-set-size: 4  
x-ms-request-charge: 4.95  
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x-ms-session-token: 0:7  
Set-Cookie: x-ms-session-token#0=7;; Path=/dbs/1tAvAA==/colls/1tAvAP4XWww=  
Set-Cookie: x-ms-session-token=7;; Path=/dbs/1tAvAA==/colls/1tAvAP4XWww=  
x-ms-gatewayversion: version=  
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 21:02:13 GMT  
  "id": "testcoll",  
  "indexingPolicy": {  
    "indexingMode": "consistent",  
    "automatic": true,  
    "includedPaths": [  
        "path": "/*",  
        "indexes": [  
            "kind": "Range",  
            "dataType": "String",  
            "precision": -1  
            "kind": "Range",  
            "dataType": "Number",  
            "precision": -1  
    "excludedPaths": []  
  "partitionKey": {  
    "paths": [  
    "kind": "Hash"  
  "_rid": "1tAvAP4XWww=",  
  "_ts": 1459198933,  
  "_self": "dbs/1tAvAA==/colls/1tAvAP4XWww=/",  
  "_etag": "\"00005600-0000-0000-0000-56f99bd50000\"",  
  "_docs": "docs/",  
  "_sprocs": "sprocs/",  
  "_triggers": "triggers/",  
  "_udfs": "udfs/",  
  "_conflicts": "conflicts/"  

See Also