List (ReadFeed) Documents

Performing a GET on the documents resource of a particular collection, i.e. the docs URI path, returns a list of documents under the collection. ReadFeed can be used to retrieve all documents, or just the incremental changes to documents within the collection.


Method Request URI Description
GET https://{databaseaccount}{db-id}/colls/{coll-id}/docs Note that the {databaseaccount} is the name of the Azure Cosmos DB account created under your subscription. The {db-id} value is id of the database and {coll-id} value is the name of the collection.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST request headers for headers that are used by all Cosmos DB requests. The important response headers for ReadFeed Document are the following:

Header Required Type Description
x-ms-max-item-count Optional Number An integer indicating the maximum number of items to be returned per page.
x-ms-continuation Optional String A string token returned for queries and read-feed operations if there are more results to be read. Clients can retrieve the next page of results by resubmitting the request with the x-ms-continuation request header set to this value.
x-ms-consistency-level Optional String This is the consistency level override. The valid values are: Strong, Bounded, Session, or Eventual (in order of strongest to weakest). The override must be the same or weaker than the account’s configured consistency level.
x-ms-session-token Optional String A string token used with session level consistency. Clients must echo the latest read value of this header during read requests for session consistency.
A-IM Optional String Must be set to Incremental feed, or omitted otherwise. Available from REST API version 2016-07-11 onwards.
If-None-Match Optional String

No header: returns all changes from the beginning (collection creation)

"*": returns all new changes to data within the collection

<etag>: If set to a collection ETag, returns all changes made since that logical timestamp.

Available from REST API version 2016-07-11 onwards.

x-ms-documentdb-partitionkeyrangeid Optional String The partition key range ID for reading data. Available from REST API version 2016-07-11 onwards.




Returns an array of documents stored within the collection.


See Common Azure Cosmos DB REST response headers for headers that are returned by all Cosmos DB responses. The important response headers are:

Header Type Description
x-ms-continuation String Returns a token to fetch additional results from the operation. The client can resubmit the request with the x-ms-continuation request header containing this value to resume execution.
x-ms-request-charge Number The number of request units consumed by the operation.
etag String

The logical sequence number (LSN) of last document returned in the response.

incremental ReadDocumentFeed can be resumed by resubmitting this value in If-None-Match.

Status codes

The following table lists common status codes returned by this operation. For a full list of status codes, see HTTP Status Codes.

HTTP status code Description
200 OK The operation was successful.
400 Bad Request The override set in x-ms-consistency-level is stronger than the one set during account creation. For example, if the consistency level is Session, the override cannot be Strong or Bounded.


Property Description
_rid This is the system generated resource ID for the collection where the documents reside.
_count This is the number of documents returned by the list operation.
Documents The array of documents returned by the operation.

Properties of Document

Property Description
id This is the unique name that identifies the document, i.e. no two documents can share the same id. The id must not exceed 255 characters.
<custom> Any user-defined JSON.
_rid This is a system generated property. The resource ID (_rid) is a unique identifier that is also hierarchical per the resource stack on the resource model. It is used internally for placement and navigation of the document resource.
_ts This is a system generated property. It specifies the last updated timestamp of the resource. The value is a timestamp.
_self This is a system generated property. It is the unique addressable URI for the resource.
_etag This is a system generated property that specifies the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control.
_attachments This is a system generated property that specifies the addressable path for the attachments resource.
  "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgw=",  
  "Documents": [  
      "id": "SalesOrder1",  
      "ponumber": "PO18009186470",  
      "OrderDate": "2005-07-01T00:00:00",  
      "ShippedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",  
      "AccountNumber": "Account1",  
      "SubTotal": 419.4589,  
      "TaxAmount": 12.5838,  
      "Freight": 472.3108,  
      "TotalDue": 985.018,  
      "Items": [  
          "OrderQty": 1,  
          "ProductId": 760,  
          "UnitPrice": 419.4589,  
          "LineTotal": 419.4589  
      "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgwBAAAAAAAAAA==",  
      "_self": "dbs/d9RzAA==/colls/d9RzAJRFKgw=/docs/d9RzAJRFKgwBAAAAAAAAAA==/",  
      "_etag": "\"0000d986-0000-0000-0000-56f9e25b0000\"",  
      "_ts": 1459216987,  
      "_attachments": "attachments/"  
      "id": "SalesOrder2",  
      "ponumber": "PO15428132599",  
      "OrderDate": "2005-07-01T00:00:00",  
      "DueDate": "2005-07-13T00:00:00",  
      "ShippedDate": "2005-07-08T00:00:00",  
      "AccountNumber": "Account2",  
      "SubTotal": 6107.0820,  
      "TaxAmt": 586.1203,  
      "Freight": 183.1626,  
      "TotalDue": 4893.3929,  
      "DiscountAmt": 1982.872,  
      "Items": [  
          "OrderQty": 3,  
          "ProductCode": "A-123",  
          "ProductName": "Product 1",  
          "CurrencySymbol": "$",  
          "CurrencyCode": "USD",  
          "UnitPrice": 17.1,  
          "LineTotal": 5.7  
      "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgwCAAAAAAAAAA==",  
      "_self": "dbs/d9RzAA==/colls/d9RzAJRFKgw=/docs/d9RzAJRFKgwCAAAAAAAAAA==/",  
      "_etag": "\"0000da86-0000-0000-0000-56f9e25b0000\"",  
      "_ts": 1459216987,  
      "_attachments": "attachments/"  
  "_count": 2  


GET HTTP/1.1  
x-ms-max-item-count: 10  
x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition: False  
x-ms-date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 02:03:06 GMT  
authorization: type%3dmaster%26ver%3d1.0%26sig%3dlmte5%2bJR8gIvDubFWZ0W2cgec22LcFAkZgDZxqOBsOI%3d  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
User-Agent: Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client/  
x-ms-version: 2015-12-16  
Accept: application/json  
Cookie: x-ms-session-token#0=772; x-ms-session-token=772  
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok  
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache  
Pragma: no-cache  
Transfer-Encoding: chunked  
Content-Type: application/json  
Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0  
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000  
x-ms-last-state-change-utc: Sun, 27 Mar 2016 22:39:13.369 GMT  
x-ms-resource-quota: documentSize=10240;documentsSize=10485760;collectionSize=10485760;  
x-ms-resource-usage: documentSize=0;documentsSize=2;collectionSize=2;  
x-ms-item-count: 2  
x-ms-schemaversion: 1.1  
x-ms-alt-content-path: dbs/testdb/colls/testcoll  
x-ms-content-path: d9RzAJRFKgw=  
x-ms-request-charge: 1  
x-ms-serviceversion: version=  
x-ms-activity-id: 46e2e9a5-4917-4ff6-9be5-6f206c38bb6b  
x-ms-session-token: 0:772  
Set-Cookie: x-ms-session-token#0=772;; Path=/dbs/testdb/colls/testcoll  
Set-Cookie: x-ms-session-token=772;; Path=/dbs/testdb/colls/testcoll  
x-ms-gatewayversion: version=  
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2016 02:03:07 GMT  
  "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgw=",  
  "Documents": [  
      "id": "SalesOrder1",  
      "ponumber": "PO18009186470",  
      "OrderDate": "2005-07-01T00:00:00",  
      "ShippedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",  
      "AccountNumber": "Account1",  
      "SubTotal": 419.4589,  
      "TaxAmount": 12.5838,  
      "Freight": 472.3108,  
      "TotalDue": 985.018,  
      "Items": [  
          "OrderQty": 1,  
          "ProductId": 760,  
          "UnitPrice": 419.4589,  
          "LineTotal": 419.4589  
      "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgwBAAAAAAAAAA==",  
      "_self": "dbs/d9RzAA==/colls/d9RzAJRFKgw=/docs/d9RzAJRFKgwBAAAAAAAAAA==/",  
      "_etag": "\"0000d986-0000-0000-0000-56f9e25b0000\"",  
      "_ts": 1459216987,  
      "_attachments": "attachments/"  
      "id": "SalesOrder2",  
      "ponumber": "PO15428132599",  
      "OrderDate": "2005-07-01T00:00:00",  
      "DueDate": "2005-07-13T00:00:00",  
      "ShippedDate": "2005-07-08T00:00:00",  
      "AccountNumber": "Account2",  
      "SubTotal": 6107.0820,  
      "TaxAmt": 586.1203,  
      "Freight": 183.1626,  
      "TotalDue": 4893.3929,  
      "DiscountAmt": 1982.872,  
      "Items": [  
          "OrderQty": 3,  
          "ProductCode": "A-123",  
          "ProductName": "Product 1",  
          "CurrencySymbol": "$",  
          "CurrencyCode": "USD",  
          "UnitPrice": 17.1,  
          "LineTotal": 5.7  
      "_rid": "d9RzAJRFKgwCAAAAAAAAAA==",  
      "_self": "dbs/d9RzAA==/colls/d9RzAJRFKgw=/docs/d9RzAJRFKgwCAAAAAAAAAA==/",  
      "_etag": "\"0000da86-0000-0000-0000-56f9e25b0000\"",  
      "_ts": 1459216987,  
      "_attachments": "attachments/"  
  "_count": 2  

See Also