

Check Name Availability

Checks that the redis cache name is valid and is not already in use.


Create or replace (overwrite/recreate, with potential downtime) an existing Redis cache.


Deletes a Redis cache.

Export Data

Export data from the redis cache to blobs in a container.

Flush Cache

Deletes all of the keys in a cache.

Force Reboot

Reboot specified Redis node(s). This operation requires write permission to the cache resource. There can be potential data loss.


Gets a Redis cache (resource description).

Import Data

Import data into Redis cache.

List By Resource Group

Lists all Redis caches in a resource group.

List By Subscription

Gets all Redis caches in the specified subscription.

List Keys

Retrieve a Redis cache's access keys. This operation requires write permission to the cache resource.

List Upgrade Notifications

Gets any upgrade notifications for a Redis cache.

Regenerate Key

Regenerate Redis cache's access keys. This operation requires write permission to the cache resource.


Update an existing Redis cache.