Check Name Availability |
Checks that the resource name is valid and is not already in use. |
Create Or Update |
Create or update a resource. |
Delete |
Operation to delete a resource. |
Get |
Get the resource and its properties. |
List By Resource Group |
Handles requests to list all resources in a resource group. |
List By Subscription |
Handles requests to list all resources in a subscription. |
List Keys |
Get the access keys of the resource. |
List Replica Skus |
List all available skus of the replica resource. |
List Skus |
List all available skus of the resource. |
Regenerate Key |
Regenerate the access key for the resource. PrimaryKey and SecondaryKey cannot be regenerated at the same time. |
Restart |
Operation to restart a resource. |
Update |
Operation to update an exiting resource. |