Tokenizer sample skill for AI search

This custom skill extracts normalized non-stop words from a text using the ML.NET library.

The language used for stop word removal can be optionally specified with the languageCode parameter using the ISO 639-1 code. Supported languages are:

  • Arabic(ar)
  • Czech (cs)
  • Danish (da)
  • Dutch (nl)
  • English (en), is the default language used if none is specified.
  • French (fr)
  • German (de)
  • Italian (it)
  • Japanese (ja)
  • Norwegian BokmÃ¥l (nb)
  • Polish (pl)
  • Portuguese (pt)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Swedish (sv)
  • Russian (ru)


This skills have no additional requirements than the ones described in the root file.


Deploy to Azure


Sample Input:

    "values": [
 "recordId": "record1",
            "data": { 
                "text": "ML.NET's RemoveDefaultStopWords API removes stop words from tHe text/string. It requires the text/string to be tokenized beforehand.",
                "languageCode": "en"

Sample Output:

    "values": [
            "recordId": "record1",
            "data": {
                "words": [
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": []

Sample Skillset Integration

In order to use this skill in a AI search pipeline, you'll need to add a skill definition to your skillset. Here's a sample skill definition for this example (inputs and outputs should be updated to reflect your particular scenario and skillset environment):

    "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.WebApiSkill",
    "description": "Tokenizer",
    "uri": "[AzureFunctionEndpointUrl]/api/tokenizer?code=[AzureFunctionDefaultHostKey]",
    "batchSize": 1,
    "context": "/document/content",
    "inputs": [
            "name": "text",
            "source": "/document/content"
            "name": "languageCode",
            "source": "document/language"
    "outputs": [
            "name": "words",
            "targetName": "words"