Structured Query sample

This sample demonstrates using the Structured Query API for parsing queries in Advanced Query Syntax (AQS), with the results represented by condition trees, a recursively defined data structure. The sample also demonstrates recursive traversal of condition trees. Finally, the sample demonstrates some Windows 7 improvements in the Structured Query API by having some sections of the code in two versions: a more elegant version that will run only on Windows 7 and a version using only APIs also available on Windows Vista.

This sample is available in the following language implementations: C++

Sample files

File Description
ReadMe.txt This file.
StructuredQuerySample.cpp The main file, containing all code for the sample. In the begnning there is a commented out line that should be uncommented to build an executable that will run successfully also on Vista.
StructuredQuerySample.sln Visual Studio 2008 solution file.
StructuredQuerySample.vcproj Visual Studio 2008 project file.

To build the sample using the command prompt

  1. Open the Command Prompt window and navigate to the directory.
  2. Type msbuild StructuredQuerySample.sln.

To build the sample using Visual Studio 2008 (preferred method)

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the directory.
  2. Double-click the icon for the StructuredQuerySample.sln file to open it in Visual Studio.
  3. In the Build menu, select Build Solution. The application will be built in the default Debug or Release directory.

To run the sample

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the new executable by using the command prompt or Windows Explorer.
  2. Type StructuredQuerySample.exe at the command line, or double-click the icon for StructuredQuerySample.exe to launch it from Windows Explorer.
  3. Type an AQS query (such as from:bill or file:\*.txt modified:this month) followed by Enter. The program will display a tree representation of the resulting condition tree.
  4. Repeat step 3 as desired. Terminate the program by typing Enter.