Secure hybrid network

This sample deploys a hub and spoke network, a mock on-premises network, and connects both with a site-to-site VPN connection.

Where applicable, each resource is configured to send diagnostics to an Azure Log Analytics instance.

Hub and spoke architectural diagram

For detailed information, see the Implement a secure hybrid network:

Deploy sample

Clone this repo and then run the following commands to initiate the deployment. When prompted, enter values for an admin username and password. These values are used to log into the included virtual machines.

cd solutions/secure-hybrid-network
az deployment sub create --location eastus --template-file azuredeploy.bicep 

Solution deployment parameters


Parameter Type Description Default and properties
mocOnPremResourceGroup string Name of the moc on-prem resource group. site-to-site-mock-prem
azureNetworkResourceGroup string Name of the Azure network resource group. site-to-site-azure-network
adminUserName string The admin user name for the Azure SQL instance. null
adminPassword securestring The admin password for the Azure SQL instance. null


Parameter Type Description Default and properties
adminUserName string The admin user name for the Azure SQL instance. null
adminPassword securestring The admin password for the Azure SQL instance. null
windowsVMCount int The number of load-balanced virtual machines running IIS. 2
vmSize string Size of the load-balanced virtual machines. Standard_A1_v2
configureSitetosite bool Condition for configuring a site-to-site VPN connection. true
hubNetwork object Object representing the configuration of the hub network. name, addressPrefix
spokeNetwork object Object representing the configuration of the spoke network. name, addressPrefix, subnetName, subnetPrefix, subnetNsgName
vpnGateway object Object representing the configuration of the VPN gateway. name, subnetName, subnetPrefix, publicIPAddressName
bastionHost object Object representing the configuration of the Bastion host. name, subnetName, subnetPrefix, publicIPAddressName, nsgName
azureFirewall object Object representing the configuration of the Azure Firewall. name, subnetName, subnetPrefix, publicIPAddressName
spokeRoutes object Object representing user-defined routes for the spoke subnet. tableName, routeNameFirewall
gatewayRoutes object Object representing user-defined routes for the gateway network. tableName, routeNameFirewall
internalLoadBalancer object Object representing the configuration of the application load balancer. name, backendName, fontendName, probeName
location string Location to be used for all resources. null


Parameter Type Description Default and properties
connectionName string Name of the Azure connection resource. hub-to-mock-prem
gatewayIpAddress string Public IP address of the mock on-prem virtual network gateway. null
azureCloudVnetPrefix string Subnet prefix of the management subnet found in the hub network. null
azureNetworkGatewayName string Name of the Azure virtual network gateway. null
localNetworkGatewayName string Name of the Azure local network gateway. local-gateway-azure-network


Parameter Type Description Default
adminUserName string The admin user name for the Azure SQL instance. null
adminPassword securestring The admin password for the Azure SQL instance. null
mocOnpremNetwork object Object representing the configuration of the mock on-prem network. name, addressPrefix, mgmt, subnetPrefix
mocOnpremGateway object Object representing the configuration of the VPN gateway. name, subnetName, subnetPrefix, publicIPAddressName
bastionHost object Object representing the configuration of the Bastion host. name, subnetName, subnetPrefix, publicIPAddressName, nsgName
vmSize string Size of the load-balanced virtual machines. Standard_A1_v2
configureSitetosite bool Condition for configuring a site-to-site VPN connection. true
location string Location to be used for all resources. null


Parameter Type Description Default
connectionName string Name of the mock on-prem connection resource. hub-to-mock-prem
azureCloudVnetPrefix string Subnet prefix of the management subnet found in the hub network. hub-to-mock-prem
spokeNetworkAddressPrefix string Subnet prefix of the resource subnet found in the spoke network. hub-to-mock-prem
gatewayIpAddress string Public IP address of the Azure virtual network gateway. null
mocOnpremGatewayName string Name of the mock on-prem local network gateway. null
localNetworkGateway string Name of the mock on-prem local network gateway. local-gateway-moc-prem
location string Location to be used for all resources. null

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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.
