Excel Services in SharePoint

Learn about the new capabilities in Excel Services in SharePoint and how you can use them in your own development efforts.

What's new in Excel Services for developers

SharePoint brings new technologies to Excel Services─such as ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) UDFs and Excel Interactive View─and new enhancements to existing technologies, such as ODATA for REST, and updates to the ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) Object Model (JSOM) API.

JavaScript UDFs

Excel Services already lets you create user-defined functions (UDFs) using managed code. Excel Services in SharePoint introduces a new kind of UDF—ECMAScript (JavaScript, JScript) UDFs. JavaScript UDFs run in the context of the browser: either in a Excel workbook that is hosted in an Excel Web Access web part on SharePoint, or in a workbook that is embedded on a host webpage.

OData in Excel Services

SharePoint Server 2010 introduced the REST API for use in getting and setting information in Excel Workbooks stored in SharePoint document libraries. SharePoint adds a new way to request data from Excel Services that uses the Open Data Protocol (OData) which you can use to get information about Excel Services resources. This new service relies heavily on the existing Excel Services REST API.


The Excel Interactive View feature has been disabled. For information about removing this feature from your website, see Removing Excel Interactive View from a webpage.

In this section

See also