Error 2711 when installing RBS client for SQL server 2016 with SharePoint Server 2016


You receive error 2711 when installing the RBS client for SQL server 2016 with SharePoint Server 2016 by using the following command:

msiexec /qn /lvx* rbs_install_log.txt /i RBS_amd64.msi DBNAME="WSS_Content" DBINSTANCE="DBInstanceName" ADDLOCAL=Client,Docs,Maintainer,ServerScript,FilestreamClient,FilestreamServer

Error message:

Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Remote BLOB Store -- Error 2711. The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2711. The specified Feature name ('Docs') not found in Feature table.


Recent SQL RBS client versions are not packaged with the "Documentation" or "Docs" feature, which is an option that allows the installation of supporting text help files for SQL Filestream.


This error can be ignored and the RBS client can be installed by removing the "Docs" feature from the "ADDLOCAL" parameter. For example:

msiexec /qn /lvx* rbs_install_log.txt /i RBS_amd64.msi DBNAME="WSS_Content" DBINSTANCE="DBInstanceName" ADDLOCAL=Client,Maintainer,ServerScript,FilestreamClient,FilestreamServer

More information

Install the RBS client library on all SharePoint Front-end and Application servers

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