Get Cube

Summary: Learn about the Get Cube operation, which is part of the Data API for Call Quality Dashboard. Call Quality Dashboard is a tool for Skype for Business Server.

The Get Cube operation is part of the Data API for Call Quality Dashboard.

Get Cube

Get Cube operation returns the list of available dimensions and measurements.

Method Request URI HTTP Version

URI Parameters - None.

Request Headers - No additional headers.

Request Body - None.

Response - The response includes an HTTP status code and a set of response headers.

Status Code - A successful operation returns status code 200 (OK).

Response Headers - No additional headers.

Response Body - Below is a sample response payload in JSON.


This sample is only showing first two elements of each groups of Cube elements.

"Kpis": [{
"FriendlyName": "Poor Trend Month",
"DataModelName": "[KPIValue].Poor Trend Month",
"Description": null
"FriendlyName": "Poor Rate Trend Month",
"DataModelName": "[KPIValue].Poor Rate Trend Month",
"Description": null
"Dimensions": [{
"Category": "Access Location Pair",
"Attributes": [{
"FriendlyName": "Location Pair",
"DataModelName": "[Access Location Pair].[Location Pair]",
"Description": "Description of Location Pair"
"Category": "Audio Bandwidth Est",
"Attributes": [{
"FriendlyName": "Metric",
"DataModelName": "[Audio Bandwidth Est].[Metric]",
"Description": "Description of Metric"
"Measurements": [{
"FriendlyName": "Audio Streams Count",
"DataModelName": "[Measures].[Audio Streams Count]",
"Description": "Description of Audio Streams Count"
"FriendlyName": "Audio Good Streams JPDR Count",
"DataModelName": "[Measures].[Audio Good Streams JPDR Count]",
"Description": "Description of Audio Good Streams JPDR Count"

KPIs - Reserved. The KPIs section of a request payload allows Run Query operation to return values for the KPIs defined in the cube. No KPIs exist in the QoE Cube yet.

Dimensions - The list of dimensions that may be used in Filters and Dimensions sections of a request payload for Run Query operation. To use a dimension in a filter expression, you need to specify a dimension member, which can be obtained using Get Dimension Members operation.

Measurements - The list of measurements that may be used in Measurements section of a request payload for Run Query operation.