New Job Schedule - Job Schedule Properties

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance


On Azure SQL Managed Instance, most, but not all SQL Server Agent features are currently supported. See Azure SQL Managed Instance T-SQL differences from SQL Server for details.

Use this page to view and change the properties of the schedule.


Type a new name for the schedule.

Jobs in schedule
View the jobs that use the schedule.

Schedule type
Select the type of schedule.

Check to enable or disable the schedule.

Recurring Schedule Types Options

Select the interval at which the schedule recurs.

Recurs every
Select the number of days or weeks between recurrences of the schedule. This option is not available for monthly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Monday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Tuesday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Wednesday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Thursday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Friday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Saturday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Set the job to occur on a Sunday. Only available for weekly recurring schedules.

Select the day of the month the schedule occurs. Only available for monthly recurring schedules.

of every
Select the number of months between occurrences of the schedule. Only available for monthly recurring schedules.

Specify a schedule for a specific day of the week on a specific week within the month. Only available for monthly recurring schedules.

Occurs once at
Set the time for a job to occur daily.

Occurs every
Set the number of hours, minutes, or seconds between occurrences.

Start date
Set the date when this schedule will become effective.

End date
Set the date when the schedule will no longer be effective.

No end date
Specify that the schedule will remain effective indefinitely.

One Time Schedule Types Options

Select the date for the job to run.

Select the time for the job to run.

See Also

Create and Attach Schedules to Jobs
Schedule a Job