Format alphanumeric data for presentation in C#

Higher Education Educator
K-12 Educator
Visual Studio Code

Use C# to format strings with white space, special characters, padding, and alignment. Give context to numeric data like currency, percentages, and numbers with decimals.

Learning objectives

  • Use character escape sequences to add tabs, new lines, and Unicode characters to our strings.

  • Create verbatim string literals, and escape common characters like backslash ( \ ) and double-quotes ( "" ).

  • Merge templates with variables using composite formatting and string interpolation.

  • Include various format specifiers for percentages, currency, and numbers.


  • Introductory experience with creating and initializing variables of type string and decimal

  • Introductory experience with literal values of type string and decimal

  • Introductory experience with Console.WriteLine()

  • Experience using Visual Studio Code to develop, build, and run C# code