NuGet-Based Microsoft Package Manager is missing or out of date

This article helps you resolve a problem where NuGet-Based Package Manager 1.5 or later isn't installed on a computer that is running Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express.

Original product version:   Visual Studio
Original KB number:   2635185


The following error is displayed when NuGet-Based Package Manager 1.5 or later isn't installed on a computer that is running Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express:

Could not create a new [ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, etc.] project because the required component NuGet Package Manager is missing or out of date. Please install it and try again.


Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express require NuGet 1.5 or later to be installed.


Update NuGet to version 1.5 or later. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Start Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express as an Administrator. In the Tools menu of Visual Studio, select Extension Manager.
  2. In the Extension Manager dialog box, click the Uninstall button for NuGet Package Manager. If NuGet-Based Package Manager doesn't appear, NuGet isn't installed. Follow the instructions below.
  3. In the Extension Manager dialog box, click Restart Now.