VoipCallRejectReason Enum



The types in the Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip namespace are deprecated, and may not be available in future versions of Windows. Instead, use the equivalent types in the Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls namespace.

Specifies the reason that an incoming call was rejected.

public enum class VoipCallRejectReason
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Phone.PhoneInternalContract, 65536)]
enum class VoipCallRejectReason
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Phone.PhoneInternalContract), 65536)]
public enum VoipCallRejectReason
var value = Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip.VoipCallRejectReason.userIgnored
Public Enum VoipCallRejectReason

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows Mobile Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.Phone.PhoneInternalContract (introduced in v1.0)
App capabilities
ID_CAP_VOIP [Windows Phone]


EmergencyCallExists 3

An emergency call is in progress.

InvalidCallState 4

The call is in an invalid state.

OtherIncomingCall 2

Another incoming call was accepted.

TimedOut 1

The incoming call timed out.

UserIgnored 0

The user pressed a button to ignore the call.

Applies to