IDebugHostModule interface (dbgmodel.h)

An (IDebugHostSymbol derived) interface to a particular module.


IDebugHostModule inherits from IDebugHostSymbol.


The IDebugHostModule interface has these methods.


The IDebugHostModule::AddRef method increments the reference count for an interface on an object.

The IDebugHostModule::EnumerateChildren method gets an enumerator capable of enumerating all children of a given symbol.

The IDebugHostModule::FindSymbolByName method, when called on a module, retrieves a global symbol by name from within the module.

The IDebugHostModule::FindSymbolByRVA method, when called on a module, retrieves a symbol at a given relative virtual address within the module.

The IDebugHostModule::FindTypeByName method, when called on a module, finds a type by type name from within the module and retrieves a type symbol for it.

The IDebugHostModule::GetBaseLocation method, when called on a module, gets the base loading address of the module as a location structure.

The IDebugHostModule::GetContainingModule method, when called on a symbol, gets the module that contains the symbol if the symbol has a containing module.

The IDebugHostModule::GetContext method, when called on a symbol, gets the host context in which the symbol is located.

The IDebugHostModule::GetImageName method gets the image name or full path of the module as an allocated string.

The IDebugHostModule::GetName method, when called on a symbol, gets the name of the symbol if it has a name.

The IDebugHostModule::GetSymbolKind method, when called on a symbol, gets the kind of symbol, such as field, base class, or type.

The IDebugHostModule::GetType method, when called on a symbol, gets the type of symbol, such as int *.

The IDebugHostModule::GetVersion method, when called on a module, gets module version information from the module headers.

The IDebugHostModule::QueryInterface method retrieves pointers to the supported interfaces on an object.

The IDebugHostModule::Release method decrements the reference count for an interface on an object.


The debugger's notion of a module that is loaded within some address space is represented in two distinct ways in the data model:

  • At the type system level via the IDebugHostModule interface. Here, a module is a symbol and core attributes of the module are interface method calls

  • Projected at the data model level via the Debugger.Models.Module data model. This is an extensible encapsulation of the type system IDebugHostModule representation of a module.


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

Debugger Data Model C++ Overview