DMA_RESET_HANDLER callback function (netdma.h)

Note  The NetDMA interface is not supported

in Windows 8 and later.

The ProviderResetChannel function resets a DMA channel to the initial state that existed after the DMA channel was allocated.



NTSTATUS DmaResetHandler(
  [in] PVOID ProviderChannelContext


[in] ProviderChannelContext

A pointer that identifies a DMA channel's context area. The DMA provider returned this handle to NetDMA at the location that is specified in the pProviderChannelContext parameter of the ProviderAllocateDmaChannel function.

Return value

ProviderResetChannel returns one of the following status values:

Return code Description
The operation completed successfully.
The operation failed for unspecified reasons.


The ProviderResetChannel function is an optional function for NetDMA providers. The NetDMA interface calls the DMA provider driver's ProviderResetChannel function, if any, to reset a DMA channel.

In ProviderResetChannel, the NetDMA provider should terminate any active transfer immediately without completing the transfer of the data that is associated with the current DMA descriptor. If completion status reporting is enabled, the DMA engine writes the NetDmaTransferStatusHalted status in the address that is specified in the CompletionVirtualAddress and CompletionPhysicalAddress members in the NET_DMA_CHANNEL_PARAMETERS structure.

After the reset operation is complete, the DMA channel must be in the initial state that existed after the channel was allocated. After the NetDMA interface calls ProviderResetChannel, the DMA provider cannot access any of the previously submitted DMA descriptors. The DMA channel must be ready for the NetDMA interface to call the ProviderStartDma function.

NetDMA calls ProviderResetChannel at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported for NetDMA 1.0 drivers in Windows Vista.
Target Platform Windows
Header netdma.h (include Netdma.h)

See also


