PoFxRegisterCoreDevice function (pep_x.h)

The PoFxRegisterCoreDevice routine registers a new core system resource with the Windows power management framework (PoFx).


NTSTATUS PoFxRegisterCoreDevice(
  [in]  PPO_FX_CORE_DEVICE Device,
  [out] POHANDLE           *Handle


[in] Id

A string that uniquely identifies the core system resource. This member is a pointer to a UNICODE_STRING structure that contains a device identification string.

[in] Device

A pointer to a PO_FX_CORE_DEVICE structure that describes the power characteristics of the core system resource.

[out] Handle

A pointer to a location to which the routine writes a POHANDLE value. This handle represents the registration of the core system resource with PoFx.

Return value

PoFxRegisterCoreDevice returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the call successfully registers the PEP. Possible error return values include the following status codes.

Return value Description
The component count for this device is zero, or the PO_FX_CORE_DEVICE structure contains an invalid version number, or the ComponentCriticalTransitionCallback member of this structure contains an invalid function pointer.
Unable to allocate the resources required to complete the requested registration.


This routine registers a core system resource so that this resource can be power-managed by PoFx.

Core system resources are hardware devices, such as timers and interrupt controllers, that are managed by the Windows hardware abstraction layer (HAL). These devices provide basic functions that are required by the operating system. Due to the close relationship between core system resources and processors, the power management of these resources needs to be coordinated with processor idle state management.

The PoFxRegisterCoreDevice routine should be called at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 10.
Target Platform Windows
Header pep_x.h (include Pep_x.h)
Library Ntoskrnl.lib

See also