vmbuskernelmodeclientlibapi.h header

This header is used by network. For more information, see:

vmbuskernelmodeclientlibapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:



The VMB_CHANNEL_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS_INIT function saves callback functions to be used for state changes for a channel.

Callback functions


The EvtVmbChannelClosed callback function is invoked when the client endpoint in the guest virtual machine closes a channel by using the VmbChannelDisable function, or the opposite endpoint rescinds or closes the channel.

The EvtVmbChannelOpened callback function is invoked when the client endpoint in the guest virtual machine opens a channel which has been offered to it.

The EvtChannelPnpFailure callback function is invoked if the client endpoint in the guest virtual machine asynchronously fails to connect even though a PnP device was located.

The EvtVmbChannelPostStarted callback function is invoked at either endpoint after packets can be received from the opposite endpoint.

The EvtVmbChannelProcessPacket callback function is invoked when a packet arrives in the incoming ring buffer.

The EvtVmbChannelProcessingComplete callback function is invoked when a group of packets has been delivered by the EvtVmbChannelProcessPacket function, if there is a pause before delivering subsequent packets.

The EvtVmbChannelRestorePacket callback function is invoked when the virtualization service provider (VSP) server endpoint must restore the state associated with a packet object.

The EvtVmbChannelSavePacket callback function is invoked when the virtualization service provider (VSP) endpoint must save the state associated with a packet.

The EvtVmbChannelStarted callback function is invoked at either endpoint when a channel is fully configured but before any packets have been delivered. This occurs when the opposite endpoint opened the channel or reopened it after closing it.

The EvtVmbChannelSuspend callback function is invoked at the server endpoint when the channel is being closed or deleted by the client endpoint, which moves the server into the Stopped state.

The EvtVmbPacketCompletionRoutine callback function is invoked when the transaction associated with a sent packet is complete.

The VmbChannelAllocate function allocates a new VMBus channel that has default parameters and callbacks.

The VmbChannelCleanup function disposes of a channel that was allocated by using the VmbChannelAllocate function or initialized by using a VMBus channel initialization function.

The VmbChannelCreateGpadlFromBuffer function creates a Guest Physical Address Descriptor List (GPADL) that describes a client-side buffer. The GPADL can be used in the server to access the buffer.

The VmbChannelCreateGpadlFromMdl function creates a Guest Physical Address Descriptor List (GPADL) that describes a client-side buffer. The GPADL can be used in the server to access the buffer.

The VmbChannelDeleteGpadl function deletes a Guest Physical Address Descriptor List (GPADL) mapped by the VmbChannelCreateGpadlFromMdl or VmbChannelCreateGpadlFromBuffer functions.

The VmbChannelDisable function disables a channel, which closes it for client channels and revokes the channel offer for server channels. This function waits until the channel is completely torn down before it returns.

The VmbChannelEnable function enables a channel that is in the disabled state by connecting to VMBus and offering or opening a channel, as appropriate for the endpoint type.

The VmbChannelGetInterfaceInstance function gets the active interface instance, which is a GUID that uniquely identifies a channel.

The VmbChannelGetMmioSpace function retrieves the kernel virtual address of the MMIO space allocated to a channel.

The VmbChannelGetPointer function lets a client driver retrieve a pointer that was previously saved by using the VmbPacketSetPointer function.

The VmbChannelInitSetClientContextSize function sets the size of the optional context area allocated for the client driver on each incoming packet.

The VmbChannelInitSetFlags function sets flags common to server or client channel endpoints.

The VmbChannelInitSetFriendlyName function sets the friendly name of the Kernel Mode Client Library (KMCL) channel. The friendly name is used for debugging and performance counter instance naming.

The VmbChannelInitSetMaximumExternalData function sets the maximum size and chain length of data that is described by a packet, but not directly sent in the packet. That is, the maximum size of the buffer described by an ExternalDataMdl.

The VmbChannelInitSetMaximumPacketSize function sets the maximum packet size that can be delivered through a channel, which is the maximum size that will ever be specified by the VmbPacketSend function.

The VmbChannelInitSetProcessPacketCallbacks function sets callback functions for packet processing.

The VmbChannelInitSetStateChangeCallbacks function sets optional callback functions for state changes.

The VmbChannelMapGpadl function maps a client-side buffer into server-side physical address space by using a Guest Physical Address Descriptor List (GPADL) number.

The VmbChannelPacketComplete function cleans up any outstanding memory mappings, releases any buffers in use, and, if the opposite endpoint requested a completion packet, sends a completion packet.

The VmbChannelPacketDeferToPassive function is called by the client driver to defer a packet passed to it by the EvtVmbChannelProcessPacket callback function.

The VmbChannelPacketFail function fails a packet during packet processing due to an unrecoverable error. This function stops the queue.

The VmbChannelPacketGetExternalData function gets any external Memory Descriptor Lists (MDLs) associated with a packet during packet processing.

The VmbChannelPause function moves a channel into the paused state, which prevents new I/O.

The VmbChannelRestoreFromBuffer function restores the client state from previously saved state. The driver must check the return value of the function.

The VmbChannelSaveBegin function initializes the context for saving the state of a channel. The driver must check the return value of the function.

The VmbChannelSaveContinue function saves the channel state to a buffer. Run the VmbChannelSaveBegin before you run this function. The driver must check the return value of the function.

The VmbChannelSaveEnd function cleans up any resources that were allocated for saving state of a channel.

The VmbChannelSendSynchronousRequest function sends a packet to the opposite endpoint and waits for a response.

The VmbChannelSetIncomingProcessingAtPassive function sets the required IRQL for incoming parsing routines for a channel to PASSIVE_LEVEL.

Guest VM updates to the outgoing monitor latency for MNF interrupts.

The VmbChannelSetPointer function saves an arbitrary pointer in a channel context.

The VmbChannelSetTransactionQuota function sets the incoming packet quota.

The VmbChannelSizeofPacket function calculates the necessary size for buffers to be used with the VmbPacketInitialize function.

The VmbChannelStart function moves a channel out of the paused state.

The VmbChannelUnmapGpadl function unmaps a Guest Physical Address Descriptor List (GPADL) mapped using by the VmbChannelMapGpadl function. The buffer must no longer be in use by the server before this function is called.

The VmbClientChannelInitSetRingBufferPageCount function sets the number of pages of memory the client allocates for incoming and outgoing ring buffers.

The VmbClientChannelInitSetTargetPnp function sets a client channel's target by interface type and instance IDs.

The VmbConvertVmbusHandleToKernelHandle function converts the user mode VMBus handle to kernel mode handle.

The VmbPacketAllocate function allocates a packet from the channel's lookaside list.

The VmbPacketFree function releases a packet allocated by using the VmbPacketAllocate function.

The VmbPacketGetChannel function returns the VMBus channel with which a VMBus packet is associated.

The VmbPacketGetPointer function retrieves a pointer that was previously saved by using the VmbPacketSetPointer function.

The VmbPacketInitialize function initializes a buffer to contain a VMBus packet.

The VmbPacketRestore function restores packet from a buffer that contains saved packet context.

The VmbPacketSend function sends the data in a packet buffer or external data Memory Descriptor List (MDL). The function associates that data with the VMBus packet object, which represents the packet throughout the lifetime of the transaction.

The VmbPacketSendWithExternalMdl function sends the data in a packet buffer or external data Memory Descriptor List (MDL).

The VmbPacketSendWithExternalPfns function sends the data in a packet buffer or external data as an array of Page Frame Numbers (PFNs).

The VmbPacketSetCompletionRoutine function sets the completion routine for a packet object.

The VmbPacketSetPointer function saves an arbitrary pointer in the packet context.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetFlags function sets flags unique to server channel endpoints.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetMmioMegabytes function specifies the amount, megabytes, of guest memory-mapped I/O (MMIO) space to reserve for the device.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetSaveRestorePacketCallbacks function sets the save and restore callback functions that are called for each packet when the driver calls a save function, such as VmbChannelSaveBegin, VmbChannelSaveContinue, and VmbChannelSaveEnd, or the VmbChannelRestoreFromBuffer function.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetTargetInterfaceId function sets the target interface type GUID and instance GUID of the channel offer.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetTargetVtl function sets the target VTL for this channel. The channel will be offered to clients running in the specified VTL and no others.

The VmbServerChannelInitSetVmbusHandle function associates an instance of VMBus with this channel.



The KMCL_SERVER_ONLY_METHODS structure contains function pointers for server-only functions for the VMBus Kernel Mode Client Library (KMCL) interface.

The KMCL_CLIENT_INTERFACE_V1 structure contains function pointers for client functions for the VMBus Kernel Mode Client Library (KMCL) interface.

The VMB_CHANNEL_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS structure contains callback functions that relate to the state changes for a channel.