EVT_VMB_CHANNEL_OPENED callback function (vmbuskernelmodeclientlibapi.h)

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The EvtVmbChannelOpened callback function is invoked when the client endpoint in the guest virtual machine opens a channel which has been offered to it.



NTSTATUS EvtVmbChannelOpened(
  [in] VMBCHANNEL Channel


[in] Channel

The channel that the guest virtual machine opens.

Return value

EvtVmbChannelClosed returns a status code.


After a channel is created, a client driver can specify callback functions for state changes, including EvtVmbChannelOpened, by using the VMB_CHANNEL_STATE_CHANGE_CALLBACKS_INIT function.

After a channel has been
configured, the Kernel Mode Client Library (KMCL) client calls the VmbChannelEnable function. On the host, this function offers a channel to the guest. On the guest, this function accepts an existing offer or waits for such an offer to arrive. When a channel is opened, KMCL invokes the EvtVmbChannelOpened callback function.
After this callback finishes, the channel is in the open state.

Before this callback function is invoked, packets can be queued, but they cannot be sent.

If the client driver returns a failure status code, the channel rolls back to a state where no traffic flows.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header vmbuskernelmodeclientlibapi.h (include VmbusKernelModeClientLibApi.h)

See also

