D3DKMTFreeGpuVirtualAddress function (d3dkmthk.h)

D3DKMTFreeGpuVirtualAddress releases a range of graphics processing unit (GPU) virtual addresses, which was previously reserved or mapped.


NTSTATUS D3DKMTFreeGpuVirtualAddress(
  [in] const D3DKMT_FREEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS *unnamedParam1


[in] unnamedParam1

A pointer to a D3DKMT_FREEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS structure that describes the operation.

Return value

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The device context was successfully created.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Parameters were validated and determined to be incorrect.

This function might also return other NTSTATUS values.


The freed virtual address should not be accessed immediately after the call. If there are outstanding MapGpuVirtualAddress and UpdateGpuVirtualAddress operations, which reference the virtual address, they will be ignored after the virtual address is freed. A new virtual address range can be allocated in place of the freed one immediately after return from the function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Target Platform Universal
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)
Library Gdi32.lib
DLL Gdi32.dll

See also


