IKsDataTypeHandler::KsQueryExtendedSize method (ksproxy.h)

The KsQueryExtendedSize method retrieves extended header information required for input and output (I/O) operations.


HRESULT KsQueryExtendedSize(
  [out] ULONG *ExtendedSize


[out] ExtendedSize

Pointer to a variable that receives the extended header size in bytes.

Return value

Returns NOERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.


If KsQueryExtendedSize returns zero at ExtendedSize, clients should not call the KsPrepareIoOperation and KsCompleteIoOperation methods of the IKsDataTypeHandler interface because I/O preparation and completion operations are not required. For all other values that KsQueryExtendedSize returns at ExtendedSize, clients should allocate memory space for the extended stream header per the returned value and call KsPrepareIoOperation and KsCompleteIoOperation to prepare and complete the I/O operation associated with the header.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ksproxy.h (include Ksproxy.h)

See also

