IKsNotifyEvent::KsNotifyEvent method (ksproxy.h)

DirectX 9.0 and later versions only.

The KsNotifyEvent method requests that the KS object that owns the given DirectShow event notify the calling application with the given parameters whenever action related to the event occurs.


HRESULT KsNotifyEvent(
  [in] ULONG     Event,
  [in] ULONG_PTR lParam1,
  [in] ULONG_PTR lParam2


[in] Event

Identifies the type of DirectShow event.

[in] lParam1

Specifies the first data parameter for the event.

[in] lParam2

Specifies the second data parameter for the event.

Return value

Returns NOERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ksproxy.h (include Ksproxy.h)

See also
