PSHED_PI_READ_ERROR_RECORD callback function (ntddk.h)

A PSHED plug-in's ReadErrorRecord callback function reads an error record from the system's persistent data storage.



NTSTATUS PshedPiReadErrorRecord(
  [in, out, optional] PVOID PluginContext,
  [in]                ULONG Flags,
  [in]                ULONGLONG ErrorRecordId,
  [out]               PULONGLONG NextErrorRecordId,
  [in, out]           PULONG RecordLength,
  [out]               PWHEA_ERROR_RECORD ErrorRecord


[in, out, optional] PluginContext

A pointer to the context area that was specified in the Context member of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure when the PSHED plug-in called the PshedRegisterPlugin function to register itself with the PSHED.

[in] Flags

A bit-wise OR'ed combination of flags that affect the read operation. No flags are currently defined.

[in] ErrorRecordId

The identifier of the error record to be read from the system's persistent data storage. If there is not an error record stored in the system's persistent data storage that matches this identifier, the ReadErrorRecord callback function must return STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.

[out] NextErrorRecordId

A pointer to a ULONGLONG-typed variable that receives the identifier of the next error record that is stored in the system's persistent data storage. If there are no other error records stored in the system's persistent data storage, the identifier for the error record that is currently being read should be returned in this parameter.

[in, out] RecordLength

A pointer to a ULONG-typed variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the ErrorRecord parameter. If the size of the buffer is large enough to contain the error record that is being read, the ReadErrorRecord callback function sets this variable to the size, in bytes, of the error record that is returned in the buffer. However, if the size of the buffer is too small to contain the error record that is being read, the ReadErrorRecord callback function sets this variable to the size, in bytes, that is required to contain the error record. In this situation the ReadErrorRecord callback function must return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.

[out] ErrorRecord

A pointer to a buffer that receives the error record that is read from the system's persistent data storage.

Return value

A PSHED plug-in's ReadErrorRecord callback function returns one of the following NTSTATUS codes:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The error record was successfully read from the system's persistent data storage.
STATUS_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND There is no error record in the system's persistent data storage that matches the identifier specified in the ErrorRecordId parameter.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of the buffer is too small to contain the error record that is being read.
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL An error occurred.


A PSHED plug-in that participates in error record persistence sets the Callbacks.WriteErrorRecord, Callbacks.ReadErrorRecord and Callbacks.ClearErrorRecord members of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure to point to its WriteErrorRecord, ReadErrorRecord, and ClearErrorRecord callback functions when the plug-in calls the PshedRegisterPlugin function to register itself with the PSHED. The PSHED plug-in must also set the PshedFAErrorRecordPersistence flag in the FunctionalAreaMask member of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure.

The Windows kernel calls into the PSHED to read an error record from the system's persistent data storage after the system is restarted following a fatal or otherwise unrecoverable error condition. If a PSHED plug-in is registered to participate in error record persistence, the PSHED calls the PSHED plug-in's ReadErrorRecord callback function to perform the read operation. The mechanism that is used to read the error record from the system's persistent data storage is platform-specific.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ntddk.h (include Ntddk.h)

See also




