FILE_MODE_INFORMATION structure (ntifs.h)

The FILE_MODE_INFORMATION structure is used to query or set the access mode of a file.


typedef struct _FILE_MODE_INFORMATION {
  ULONG Mode;



Specifies the mode in which the file will be accessed following a create-file or open-file operation. This parameter is either zero or the bitwise OR of one or more of the following file option flags:


Any system services, file system drivers (FSDs), and drivers that write data to the file must actually transfer the data into the file before any requested write operation is considered complete.


All accesses to the file will be sequential.


The file cannot be cached or buffered in a driver's internal buffers.


All operations on the file are performed synchronously. Any wait on behalf of the caller is subject to premature termination from alerts. This flag also causes the I/O system to maintain the file position context.


All operations on the file are performed synchronously. Wait requests in the system that must synchronize I/O queuing and completion are not subject to alerts. This flag also causes the I/O system to maintain the file position context.


Delete the file when the last handle to the file is closed.

These flags are defined in the Wdm.h header file. For more information, see the Remarks section.


This structure contains a set of flags that specify the mode in which the file can be accessed. These flags are a subset of the options that can be specified in the CreateOptions parameter of the IoCreateFile routine.

This structure is used by the ZwQueryInformationFile routine.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP
Header ntifs.h (include Ntifs.h, Fltkernel.h)

See also

