StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins function (strmini.h)

The StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins routine is used to register filter drivers with Microsoft DirectShow that have no kernel streaming pins and, therefore, do not stream in kernel mode.


NTSTATUS StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins(
  [in]           PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
  [in]           const GUID     *InterfaceClassGUID,
  [in]           ULONG          PinCount,
  [in]           BOOL           *PinDirection,
  [in]           KSPIN_MEDIUM   *MediumList,
  [in, optional] GUID           *CategoryList


[in] DeviceObject

Points to the driver's device object.

[in] InterfaceClassGUID

Specifies the interface class GUID to register.

[in] PinCount

Specifies the number of pins on the filter.

[in] PinDirection

Specifies a PinCount-sized array of Boolean values, one for each pin on the filter. The values indicate the pin direction for each pin. If TRUE, this pin is an output pin. If FALSE, the pin is an input pin.

[in] MediumList

Specifies a PinCount-sized array of KSPIN_MEDIUM structures, one for each pin on the filter.

[in, optional] CategoryList

If non-NULL, specifies an array of pin category GUIDs, one for each pin on the filter.

Return value

Returns STATUS_SUCCESS on success, or the appropriate error code on failure.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header strmini.h (include Strmini.h)
Library Stream.lib

See also