USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue function (usbcamdi.h)

The USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue function retrieves the device-instance-specific registry key value.


  [in] HANDLE Handle,
  [in] PWCHAR KeyNameString,
  [in] ULONG  KeyNameStringLength,
  [in] PVOID  Data,
  [in] ULONG  DataLength


[in] Handle

Handle to a valid and open device registry key.

[in] KeyNameString

Pointer to the string buffer describing the key type.

[in] KeyNameStringLength

Specifies the length, in characters, of KeyNameString.

[in] Data

Pointer to a caller-specified value or structure.

[in] DataLength

Specifies the length, in bytes, of the value or structure at Data.

Return value

USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the call was successful.

Other possible error codes include:

Return code Description
STATUS_NO_MEMORY There was insufficient memory to continue.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header usbcamdi.h (include Usbcamdi.h)
Library Usbcamd2.lib