Network layer discard reasons

The identifiers for the possible reasons that data is discarded by one of the network layers are as follows. These identifiers are constant values in the IP_DISCARD_REASON enumeration that is defined in Fwpsk.h.

Discard reason identifier Discard reason description
IpDiscardBadSourceAddress The outgoing packet's source address is a multicast address, a broadcast address, or an IPv6 address that contains an embedded IPv4 loopback or unspecified address.
IpDiscardNotLocallyDestined The received packet's destination address does not exist on the system, and no appropriate forwarding interface exists.
IpDiscardProtocolUnreachable There is either no transport protocol handler for the received packet or the transport protocol handler refused to process the packet.
IpDiscardPortUnreachable There is no application that is receiving packets on the received packet's destination port.
IpDiscardBadLength A length field specified within the received packet is inconsistent with the packet's length.
IpDiscardMalformedHeader The received packet contains a recognized extension header or option whose contents are invalid.
IpDiscardNoRoute The received packet cannot be forwarded to its destination address because the system's routing table does not contain a route to that destination.
IpDiscardBeyondScope The received packet cannot be forwarded because the packet's incoming and outgoing network interfaces have different zone indexes for the packet's zone level.
IpDiscardInspectionDrop Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardTooManyDecapsulations The received packet cannot be forwarded to its destination address because there are too many decapsulations.
IpDiscardAdministrativelyProhibited Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardHopLimitExceeded The received packet's hop limit or time-to-live limit has been exceeded.
IpDiscardAddressUnreachable The outgoing packet cannot be sent to the packet's destination address either because the destination does not exist or packets are not allowed to be sent to that destination.
IpDiscardRscPacket The outgoing packet cannot be sent because it is a receive-side coalesced (RSC) packet.
IpDiscardArbitrationUnhandled Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardInspectionAbsorb The outgoing packet cannot be sent because WFP took ownership of the packet.
IpDiscardDontFragmentMtuExceeded Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardBufferLengthExceeded Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardAddressResolutionTimeout Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardAddressResolutionFailure Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardIpsecFailure Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardExtensionHeadersFailure Reserved for internal use by the network stack.
IpDiscardAllocationFailure Reserved for internal use by the network stack.