Designing a Miniport Driver Callback Routine that Handles WMI Classes with Data Fields

This section explains how callback routines must handle input and output data for a WMI class with data fields..

If the WMI class contains data fields, then the WMI tool suite will generate a structure declaration for the data. The structure declaration is apart from any structures that are generated to hold input and output parameters for WMI methods that belong to the class. For more information about the structures that the WMI tool suite generates to handle WMI methods, see Designing a Miniport Driver Callback Routine that Handles WMI Classes with Methods.

For example, suppose we compile the following WMI class definition with mofcomp and generate a .h file with wmimofck.

class HBAFCPBindingEntry
   Values{"TO_D_ID", "TO_WWN", "TO_OTHER"},
   ValueMap{"0", "1", "2"},
  uint32  Type;
  HBAScsiID  ScsiId;

The resulting .h file will contain the following structure declaration.

typedef struct _HBAFCPBindingEntry
  ULONG  Type;
  HBAScsiID  ScsiId;
} HBAFCPBindingEntry, *PHBAFCPBindingEntry;

You can cast this structure declaration to the input and output buffers of the SRB when managing input and output data.

Before returning, your callback routine should call ScsiPortWmiPostProcess. This SCSI Port WMI library routine updates the request context with information, such as the status of the request and the size of the return data. For more information about the data stored in the request context, see SCSIWMI_REQUEST_CONTEXT.