Capturing Video to VRAM using AVStream

Beginning in Windows Vista, AVStream drivers can capture video and audio directly to the graphics adapter's VRAM. AVStream drivers that existed prior to Windows Vista must first place data in VRAM, transfer it to system memory, and then finally back to VRAM for display.

VRAM capture support takes advantage of the GPU scheduling and VRAM virtualization offered by the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) Design Guide.

To capture to VRAM, a device must include capture and display functionality on the same video card.

The following sections describe how to add VRAM capture support to a new or existing driver:

Overview of VRAM Capture in AVStream

VRAM Capture Properties

Capturing Uncompressed Data to VRAM

Adding VRAM Capture Support to Existing AVStream Drivers

You can find sample code showing VRAM capture in the AVStream Simulated Hardware Sample Driver (AVSHwS).