RSS Parser

The Toolkit RssParser has been removed. Code should be migrated to use the System.ServiceModel.Syndication API instead.

This document will show you how to migrate over to the .NET Standard library API.

Migration Steps

  1. Remove the Microsoft.Toolkit.Parsers package.
  2. Add the System.ServiceModel.Syndication package.
  3. Replace HttpClient + GetStringAsync with XmlReader.Create.
  4. Replace RssParser + Parse with SyndicationFeed.Load.
  5. Append .Text to any element properties retrieved.


If updating a UWP based project, Visual Studio will recommend the Windows.Web.Syndication namespace by default. Be sure to ignore this suggestion and instead include the System.ServiceModel.Syndication NuGet package and namespace.

Toolkit Example

public async void ParseRSS()
    string feed = null;

    using (var client = new HttpClient())
            feed = await client.GetStringAsync("");
        catch { } // TODO: Deal with unavailable resource.

    if (feed != null)
        var parser = new RssParser();
        var rss = parser.Parse(feed);

        foreach (var element in rss)
            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {element.Title}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Summary: {element.Summary}");
Public Async Sub ParseRSS()
    Dim feed As String = Nothing
    Using client = New HttpClient()
            feed = Await client.GetStringAsync("")
        End Try
    End Using

    If feed IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim parser = New RssParser()
        Dim rss = parser.Parse(feed)
        For Each element In rss
            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {element.Title}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Summary: {element.Summary}")
    End If
End Sub

.NET Example

public void ParseRSSdotnet()
    SyndicationFeed feed = null;

        using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(""))
            feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
    catch { } // TODO: Deal with unavailable resource.

    if (feed != null)
        foreach (var element in feed.Items)
            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {element.Title.Text}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Summary: {element.Summary.Text}");
Public Sub ParseRSSdotnet()
    Dim feed As SyndicationFeed = Nothing
        Using reader = XmlReader.Create("")
            feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader)
        End Using
    End Try
    If feed IsNot Nothing Then
        For Each element In feed.Items
            Console.WriteLine($"Title: {element.Title.Text}")
            Console.WriteLine($"Summary: {element.Summary.Text}")
    End If
End Sub