Support for Queries

By implementing the IDirectorySearch interface, ADSI providers gain access to a subset of OLE DB read-only features.

The ADSI implementation of the methods of IDirectorySearch itself uses the OLE DB interfaces described in ADSI Version 1.0, including the following list of COM objects:

  • Data Source Object (the directory service), supporting IDBInitialize, IDBCreateSession, IDBProperties, and IPersist.
  • DBSessions Object, supporting IOpenRowSet, ISessionProperties, and ICreateCommand.
  • Command Object, supporting ICommand, IAccessor, IColumnsInfo, ICommandProperties, ICommandText, and IConvertType.
  • Rowset Object, supporting IAccessor, IColumnsInfo, IConvertType, IRowset, and IRowsetInfo.

For more information about OLE DB, see the OLE DB Programmer's Reference in the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK).