IPStore interface

[Protected Storage (Pstore) is available for use in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. It is only available for read-only operations in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista, but may be unavailable in subsequent versions. Pstore uses an older implementation of data protection. Developers are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the stronger data protection provided by the CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions.]

[This interface may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows.]

Provides COM-standard methods to manage protected storage data items. The PStoreCreateInstance method returns a pointer to this interface.


The IPStore interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. IPStore also has these types of members:


The IPStore interface has these methods.

Method Description
CloseItem Closes a specified data item from protected storage.
CreateSubtype Creates the specified subtype within the specified type.
CreateType Creates the specified type with the specified name.
DeleteItem Deletes the specified item from the protected storage.
DeleteSubtype Deletes the specified item subtype from the protected storage.
DeleteType Deletes the specified type from the protected storage.
EnumItems Returns the interface pointer of a subtype for enumerating items in the protected storage database.
EnumSubtypes Returns an interface for enumerating subtypes of the types currently registered in the protected database.
EnumTypes Returns an interface for enumerating the types currently registered in the protected database.
GetInfo Retrieves information about the storage provider.
GetProvParam Not implemented.
GetSubtypeInfo Retrieves information associated with a subtype.
GetTypeInfo Retrieves information associated with a type.
OpenItem Opens an item for multiple accesses.
ReadAccessRuleSet Not implemented.
ReadItem Reads the specified data item from protected storage.
SetProvParam Sets the specified parameter information.
WriteAccessRuleset Not implemented.
WriteItem Writes a data item to protected storage.



Requirement Value