Server Timeouts Property

The HTTP Server API enables applications to set the server connection timeout limits on a server session or a URL group. The HTTP timeouts property is used to set all timeouts on an application-specific basis. The IdleConnection and HeaderWait timers can also be configured HTTP Server API-wide. When the timers are configured HTTP Server API-wide, they apply to all the HTTP Server API applications on the computer and the settings persist when the service is restarted.

For more information about configuring timers, see Configuring the Application Specific Timeouts.

When the timers are not configured for a URL group or server session, the HTTP Server API default configurations apply.

The order of timeout enforcement is as follows:

  1. The HTTP Server API-wide defaults apply to all the HTTP Server API applications on the computer.
  2. The Server Session timeouts override the HTTP Server API-wide settings, when set.
  3. The URL group settings override the server session configurations, when set.

The following table lists the default connection timeout limits

Timer Definition HTTP Server API default Configurable as HTTP Server API wide Configurable as Application specific
IdleConnection The connection expired while staying idle. 120 Sec Yes Limited
HeaderWait The connection expired while waiting for the HTTP Server API to parse the header. 120 Sec Yes Limited
EntityBody The connection expired while waiting for the request entity body to arrive. 120 Sec No Yes
DrainEntityBody The connection expired while waiting for the HTTP Server API to drain the entity body on a Keep-Alive connection. 120 Sec No Yes
MinSendRate The connection expired because the response send rate was slower than the default of 150 bytes/sec. 150 Sec No Yes
RequestQueue The connection expired because the request remained in the request queue before the application picked it up. 120 Bytes/Sec No Yes