ITsSbTaskInfo Properties

The ITsSbTaskInfo interface exposes the following properties.

In this section

Context property

Retrieves the context bytes associated with the task.

Deadline property

Retrieves the time by which the task must be initiated. This is used to prioritize patches. The patch with the earliest deadline will get initiated first.

EndTime property

Retrieves the latest time the task agent can start the task.

Identifier property

Retrieves a GUID that is used as a unique identifier by the task agent.

Label property

Retrieves the label that describes the purpose of the task.

Plugin property

Retrieves the display name of the task agent.

StartTime property

Retrieves the earliest time the task agent can start the task.

Status property

Retrieves an RDV_TASK_STATUS enumeration value that represents the state of the task.

TargetId property

Retrieves the target identifier.