IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension::CheckDeviceOverlayType method (d3d9.h)

Queries the overlay hardware capabilities of a Direct3D device.


HRESULT CheckDeviceOverlayType(
  [in]  UINT               Adapter,
  [in]  D3DDEVTYPE         DevType,
  [in]  UINT               OverlayWidth,
  [in]  UINT               OverlayHeight,
  [in]  D3DFORMAT          OverlayFormat,
  [in]  D3DDISPLAYMODEEX   *pDisplayMode,
  [in]  D3DDISPLAYROTATION DisplayRotation,
  [out] D3DOVERLAYCAPS     *pOverlayCaps


[in] Adapter

An ordinal number that denotes the display adapter. D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT is always the primary display adapter.

[in] DevType

Specifies the Direct3D device type as a member of the D3DDEVTYPE enumerated type.

[in] OverlayWidth

The width of the overlay to create, in pixels.

[in] OverlayHeight

The height of the overlay to create, in pixels.

[in] OverlayFormat

The surface format of the overlay.

[in] pDisplayMode

A pointer to a D3DDISPLAYMODEEX structure that specifies the display mode that will be used. If this parameter is NULL, the current display mode is assumed.

[in] DisplayRotation

Specifies the display rotation mode as a member of the D3DDISPLAYROTATION enumerated type.

[out] pOverlayCaps

A pointer to a D3DOVERLAYCAPS structure. If the driver supports the overlay settings specified in the input parameters, the method fills this structure with the capabilities of the overlay hardware.

Return value

This method can return one of these values.

Return code Description
Invalid parameter, or the device does not support hardware overlay.
The device does not support overlay for the specified size or display mode.
The device does not support overlay for the specified surface format.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d9.h

See also

Hardware Overlay Support
