PTConvertPrintTicketToDevMode function (prntvpt.h)

Converts a print ticket into a DEVMODE structure.


HRESULT PTConvertPrintTicketToDevMode(
  [in]  HPTPROVIDER         hProvider,
  [in]  IStream             *pPrintTicket,
        EDefaultDevmodeType baseDevmodeType,
  [in]  EPrintTicketScope   scope,
  [out] ULONG               *pcbDevmode,
  [out] PDEVMODE            *ppDevmode,
  [out] BSTR                *pbstrErrorMessage


[in] hProvider

A handle to an opened print ticket provider. This handle is returned by the PTOpenProvider or the PTOpenProviderEx function.

[in] pPrintTicket

A pointer to an IStream with its seek position at the beginning of the print ticket.


A value indicating whether the user's default DEVMODE or the print queue's default DEVMODE is used to provide values to the output DEVMODE when pPrintTicket does not specify every possible setting for a DEVMODE.

[in] scope

A value that specifies the scope of pPrintTicket. This value can specify a single page, an entire document, or all documents in the print job. Settings in pPrintTicket that are outside of the specified scope are ignored. See Remarks.

[out] pcbDevmode

A pointer to the size of the DEVMODE in bytes.

[out] ppDevmode

A pointer to the newly created DEVMODE.

[out] pbstrErrorMessage

A pointer to a string that specifies what, if anything, is invalid about pPrintTicket. If it is valid, this is NULL.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the return value is S_OK.

If hProvider was opened in a different thread, the HRESULT is E_INVALIDARG.

If pPrintTicket is invalid, the HRESULT is E_PRINTTICKET_FORMAT.

Otherwise, some other error code is returned in the HRESULT. For more information about COM error codes, see Error Handling.


Note  This is a blocking or synchronous function and might not return immediately. How quickly this function returns depends on run-time factors such as network status, print server configuration, and printer driver implementation—factors that are difficult to predict when writing an application. Calling this function from a thread that manages interaction with the user interface could make the application appear to be unresponsive.
The hProvider parameter must be a handle that was opened in the same thread as the thread in which it is used for this function.

If baseDevmodeType is kUserDefaultDevmode, but the user's default is not available, then the device's default will be used.

The returned DEVMODE may be internally inconsistent or conflict with hard printer settings even though each setting within it is viable individually. For example, if the printer supports an optional duplexer but the pPrintTicket calls for duplexing, then the returned DEVMODE will also call for duplexing, even if the duplexer is not installed. Use DocumentProperties to correct the returned DEVMODE.

The buffer in the returned ppDevmode should be released with PTReleaseMemory.

Values of pPrintTicket that are outside of the scope are ignored. For example, if the scope is only a single page, then job-wide settings and document-wide settings are ignored. Job scope includes document scope and page scope. Document scope includes page scope.

If pbstrErrorMessage is not NULL when the function returns, the caller must free the string with SysFreeString.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header prntvpt.h
Library Prntvpt.lib
DLL Prntvpt.dll

See also

Print Schema

Print Spooler API Functions
